The Crossroads of Being Happy [UNDER EXTREME RENOVATION]

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Crossroads of being happy

Chapter1: Haru

Ty-Lee was in the middle of training with the Kyoshi worriers, when Haru walked in. It had been six years since Firelord Ozai had been defeated by Avatar Aang, in that time Zuko and Mai had gotten married, Suki and Sokka had also been married, as did Aang and Katara.

The Duke had married Toph, and most of them sent Ty-Lee letters saying they'd had children. The last she'd heard Katara now had three children, Suki had one child and Zuko and Mai had a little girl.

Ty-Lee and Haru had gone out a few times after Firelord Zuko's wedding, but Ty-Lee was usually busy as a Kyoshi warrior, and Haru was busy at Ba Sing Se. But he still managed to come to Kyoshi one day every week. Ty-Lee always looked forward to that day, she loved spending time with Haru.

He waited as she finished her practicing, she walked over to him a smile lit up her features. "Hi," She said. Haru smiled back at the always perky girl. "Hey," He said. "So, what do you wanna do today?" He asked. Ty-Lee thought a moment. "Anything really, as long as I'm with you." She replied with a large smile. Haru chuckled.

"Ok, how bout, lunch, then a walk along the beach, then.... Then..... " Haru thought hard. "Then, come to your house and play a game of Gi Long?" Gi Long was a famous Earth Kingdom card game the couple liked to play.

Ty-Lee nodded happily. "As long as I can be back here at eight, I have to help Suki train some new Kyoshi warriors." Haru frowned. "You always seem to be doing Kyoshi warrior-girl stuff." He said.

Ty-Lee's smile faded somewhat. "But I'll have the rest of the day with you, and it's only an hour, afterwards I guess we can do something." She said. Haru scoffed. "Yea sleep." He said. Ty-Lee got sadder. She wanted to spend time with Haru, but she already promised to help Suki. Haru's smile returned to his face as he said, "But that's alright, I guess I can't always have you all to myself." He said teasingly. Ty-Lee smiled. "Yea," She muttered.

She quickly changed to her normal clothes and Haru took her out to lunch. They took a walk, and then played Gi Long for about an hour and a half.

Ty-Lee looked out the window to see it was getting dark and she needed to go help Suki. "I gotta go now, you know, to help Suki with the new Kyoshi's." She said. "That's just an excuse, you're upset cuz I'm winning." Haru teased. Ty-Lee crossed her arms. "As if! You haven't beat me yet!" She declared. Haru only laughed. "Well, I can beat you now, one last match." He said, pleadingly. Ty-Lee really wanted to, but she just couldn't right now, she'd promised Suki. "No, I really do have to go," She answered solemnly. Haru frowned. "Don't you ever get a break from those guys?" He asked. Ty-Lee sighed. "Why would I want to? They're like family to me, I love being a Kyoshi warrior," She said cheerily. Haru gave her a half smile that made her blush. "Ok, see you later," He said. She smiled. "Thanks," She stood up reluctantly, and walked out the door.

After she left, Haru put away their Gi Long cards and then went outside. He took a walk around the town, deep in thought. Ty-Lee really seemed to love being a Kyoshi warrior, maybe she even loved it more than him. Haru was in love with Ty-Lee, he didn't want anything to come between them. But, being a Kyoshi warrior was really important to her. Maybe even more important than a relationship. Maybe he wasn't important to her at all, she's just afraid of hurting his feelings or something. Haru tried not to think about it. He didn't think Ty-Lee didn't love him, he decided just to forget the whole thing.

The next day Haru decided to stay awhile before going back to Ba Sing Se. As he waited for his ship to be ready to leave he talked with Ty-Lee.

"So, if you could do anything, anything at all, like open a shop in Ba Sing Se or whatever, what would you do? What's your dream?" Haru asked. "I'd stay a Kyoshi warrior," Ty-Lee answered right away. "Kyoshi is my life, it means everything to me." She said cheerily.

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