8. Almost Isn't Over [unedited]

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Chapter8: Almost Isn't Over.


Ty-Lee barely opened her eyes when they were quickly shut to block out the sun that shone brightly in them. She took a look around. She was on a cliff side staring out the opening of a small cave. It was sunrise. The view would've been beautiful except for the fact that she'd been kidnapped. By who was still a mystery to her. She sat up feeling herself enshrouded in fear. She had no idea where she was or how she'd get home. She knew one thing for sure. She was alone. Her capture was no where in sight. I've got to get out of here! She told herself and got up to make a run for it. But as she stepped foot around the corner of the cave she stopped short. There stood a gorgeous young girl. She had white hair, strangest thing Ty-Lee had ever seen. Her eyes were a soft purple, she had beautiful eyes. She was so radiant. Ty-Lee was so surprised, as was the girl, that they both stood perfectly still without a word. The girl blinked several times."you were supposed to be sleeping," She said in a perfect, sing songy voice. "I-" Ty-Lee had no idea what to say to that. "Here, come inside and eat," The young girl said sweetly. As she raised her hand gesturing toward the cave, Ty-Lee noticed her nails painted dark violet purple. The same nails she got a look at before passing out. This was her kidnapper! She was so swallowed in fear and confusion, she froze and couldn't move. "You alright?" The mysterious white haired girl asked. She looked to be no more than 15 years old. "I-you-you kidnapped me," She managed to stumble out. The girls face stayed calm and she waited a moment before replying. "Yes, but only because if I didn't he'd get you," She said at last. "He?" Ty-Lee questioned still a bit scared and confused. How did she manage to get kidnapped by a girl of her age? After all she used to be a Kyoshi Warrior, she could've taken this youngster. But then again, she did sneak up on her, and gave her something to make her pass out. "Yes, come and eat, you need your strength, and I will tell you all about Him," The girl said comfortingly and walked her inside. After starting a fire and cooking a fish to eat with some berries, the mystery girl began telling what she knew about the one she referred to as 'Him'

"No one Knows his real name, but he is called the Great Terror by an old fishing village he used to torment. The Great Terror is a good spirit gone bad," She explained. Ty-Lee listened intently on every word. "He was such a great spirit, always doing what was right, he was one of the wisest of them all, even then no one knew his real name, except Avatar Roku, but everyone in the spirit world, and even those who told stories of him, called him Toshio, which meant 'genius'" The story was getting very interesting now. "Toshio was adored by all spirits, they would come to him with questions and he would give them answers, but one day, a new spirit came into their world, the moon spirit had been killed and a young girl came to take its place." Ty-Lee now began to wonder where she got this story. "They all knew she was coming from the very beginning, but Toshio hadn't expected her to be so young, when Yue became the moon spirit she got all the attention, everyone wanted to help her adjust to being a spirit, everyone but Toshio, he hated her, and so he reverted to tormenting a little fishing village in his anger over the new spirit. He became so evil that no one wanted him around. All the spirits feared him. Except Ko the face stealer. In fact, he stole Toshio's face, but Toshio has three faces so he was fine with losing one of them. One day, Great Terror decided to leave the spirit world and enter the mortal world, like the old moon spirit had. So he became a mortal, but the thing is, he couldn't become human. So he became a Wolf-Bat, and vowed that one day he'd figure out how to become human." Ty-Lee shivered in fear. This was getting creepy. "So one day, he finally did it, he figured out how to be in human form, he could go into something sort of like how the Avatar could go into the Avatar State and become a human being." Ty-Lee gasped. "But only for 20 minutes, he's been dedicating his life to figuring out how to make it last longer, he disappeared for a long time and everyone thought he'd died. Until about a month ago," Ty-Lee took it all in. This was the strangest tale she'd ever heard. A three faced spirit? Wow, and how does this girl even know this story? The questions swarmed in her mind as the girl finished her story. "Last month, I saw him, in his human form. I ran of course, but I heard that he was going to kidnap someone so he could be in human form forever, that person, is you Ty-Lee," How did she know my name? Ty-Lee's heart pounded in her ear. "Why?" She asked boldly. "You wouldn't like the answer," The girl said and shifted so she sat facing away from Ty-Lee. "Why?!" Ty-Lee demanded louder. The girl turned back and sighed as she realized she couldn't argue with this woman. "Alright, he needs you for your baby," She said sadly. Ty-Lee's hand instinctively went to her belly. "Wh-why?" She stammered. "Because when it's born he will switch spirits with it, he will become your child, and your child will become the Wolf-Bat, and once inside your child's body, he will become extremely powerful, that is why I kidnapped you because he almost did," She said with a sad face. Ty-Lee's heart raced like there's no tomorrow. This was terrifying. Losing her child to some angry spirit? That was awful. "But 'almost' isn't over," Ty-Lee said with a shaky breath. "He's still gonna come after me," She said terrified. The girl just smiled mischievously. "Not if I can help it," She said with a laugh. "See, I have a plan, we need the Avatar though, but don't you worry about that I've got it all figured out, we'll get you to a place Great Terror can't go, and you'll be safe while we defeat him," She said assuredly. "But how can I be sure you're not tricking me?" Ty-Lee asked. "Well, you can't," She said bluntly. "You'll just have to trust me," She said hopefully. Ty-Lee took a deep breath. "Ok," She said at last. The girl smiled. "We have to get moving if you wanna live," She said oddly. "Wait!" The girl stopped her packing and looked at Ty-Lee. "What's your name?" Ty-Lee asked curiously. The girl smiled. "Mitsuki," She replied. Ty-Lee smiled at the young girl. Such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. "My name means Beautiful Moon," She said with a grin. Mitsuki swung her backpack over her shoulder and they headed out. Once outside, by the edge of the mountain, Mitsuki put her fingers in her mouth and whistled loudly. "What're you doing that for?" Ty-Lee asked confused. Mitsuki grinned that mischievous grin of hers and said, "You'll see," Just then a large gust of wind blew downward and a big shadow covered the mountain side where they stood. Ty-Lee looked up to see some sort of animal looming overhead. It was huge! And the strangest creature she'd ever seen. It had giant wings like a bat, and look like a huge lizard, it resembled a dragon in many ways but in other ways it was different. It wasn't as snake-like as original dragons used to be, it was bigger in size and had more muscle. As it lowered itself to their level she noticed a saddle on its back. "Are we-gonna ride that thing?" Ty-Lee gasped out. "Yep!" Mitsuki said as she hopped up onto its head. "Don't worry, Sonna is a good girl, she won't bite," She said scratching the animal behind its large ears. Ty-Lee carefully climbed aboard Sonna's saddle and held tight. "Here we go!" Mitsuki called holding up the reins. "Yar-nah!" She called to the creature and they lifted off. Ty-Lee had taken rides on Appa before, but this was different. This animal went way faster than Appa at his fastest pace. Ty-Lee held on tight as they twisted and turned to get around the mountain tops. Ty-Lee would surely never forget this, it was amazing.

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