6. Air Nomads for the Temples [unedited]

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Chapter6: Air Nomads for the Temples.


"Daddy wait for me!" Hakoda squealed as he ran toward Sokka. As he ran he tripped over his older sisters yarn she was using to make a sweater. "Hey!" She instinctively yelled. "Hakoda!" She became angry. Hakoda stood up and picked up the yarn that had fallen and handed it back to his sister. "I'm sorry Besha," He said apologetically. She took it with a frustrated sigh. "Be more careful next time," She instructed. The five year old nodded and ran off to find his father. "Daddy!" He called when he finally located Sokka. Sokka turned around with a smile. "What're you up to young man?" He questioned. "Uncle Shang and aunt Ty-Lee are here!" He said excitedly. Sokka picked up the young boy and asked where they were. "In the house with mama," He replied. Sokka nodded and walked to the house. As he passed his oldest daughter he asked if she'd like to come in and see Shang and Ty-Lee. Besha brightened and excitedly ran inside. As Sokka entered the house he greeted his guests with a slight bow. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" He asked happily. "We were just passing through Kyoshi on our way home and thought we'd stop by," Shang explained. They'd just come back from their honeymoon and decided to live in Republic City. They stayed at Sokka's for awhile and talked but soon left for the big city.

On their way they sat in their room on the ship and talked. "So, how many?" Shang asked after a moment of silence. "How many what?" Ty-Lee countered with a giggle. She had no idea what he meant. "How many kids do you want?" He repeated. She gasped. "Well-Shang I-" She was speechless. He'd asked it so bluntly. Not carefully, but, I guess that's fine-"I'll give you as many as you like," He broke into her thoughts. She blushed a deep red and snuggled up closer to him. "I don't know, I haven't thought about that part yet," She said with an innocent smile. "Fair enough," Shang said as he smiled bright. He lay his chin on her head and stroked her hair gently. They were almost to the harbor.

One night Ty-Lee sat in bed alone. Shang had not come home yet and she was worried. She sat and waited. And waited. Hours dragged by and still he hadn't come home. Then she heard the door silently creak open. She sighed in relief. He was home. She jumped up and grabbed her robe. She gasped as the sound of glass shattering echoed throughout the house. The noise was quickly followed by a loud thump. She ran out of the room to where the sounds had come from. There, on the floor glass lay scattered everywhere. A big vase had been knocked over and broke. She looked over to see Shang kneeling on the floor holding a few of the broken pieces in his hands. He looked awful. His hands were cut and bleeding because of the glass he clutched. He coughed and put a hand to his ribs. Ty-Lee gasped, as he pulled his hand back out it was covered in blood. "Shang what-what happened?" She questioned in horror. He moaned in pain. "I-work-fell-" He stammered. He trembled with confusion. Ty-Lee knelt down beside her husband and despite the fact that the glass dug into her knees, she didn't complain. "I need to get you to a healer," She said frantically. Shang stopped breathing for a moment, this made Ty-Lee begin to freak out. But he began breathing again. "I-my-ribs they-" He cried out in pain clutching his side with fear. "Shang!" Ty-Lee was in tears by now. "Can you stand?" She demanded. Shang was confused. His vision began to blur. He lifted his head and looked full on his wife's face. She looked frightened. His vision got worse. He couldn't pass out. She needed him. He had to fight the darkness that began to cover the room. Suddenly Shang fell over onto his side his head smacked the floor hard and glass embedded itself into his face. He quickly jerked up only passed out for a moment. He groaned as he stood. Ty-Lee stood as well and put her husbands arm around her shoulders. He leaned heavily on her. "Come on, " She urged. "Lets go," She helped him out the door. Outside it was pouring down rain. It was very dark but partially illuminated by street lanterns. It wasn't too long a walk to the healers office but tonight it seemed like the farthest place from her home. No one was out for it was nearly eleven o'clock at night. But the occasional person walking on the opposite side of the street would give her strange looks but wouldn't stop to help. Tears streaked Ty-Lee's face as she pushed herself forward. They left blood trails along the sidewalk as they approached the healers. Ty-Lee was barely able to carry herself let alone half drag her husband. Shang went limp for a moment and she fell to her knees. The glass cuts hurt like crazy when she did this. She cried out in agony as glass dug into her knees as she hit the ground. She sat a moment, her husband leaning heavily on her, blood dripping from his wounds. She cried. "Help me," She whispered to no one. Suddenly Shang's weight lifted. He was trying to stand, she thought. But as she looked up she saw a stranger lifting him up. The stranger let Shang lean on his shoulder and extended his hand to help her up. She stared at it for a moment then snapped back to reality and took it. He helped her up and they walked to the healers without a word. He banged on the door with his foot. There was a faint rustling inside before the door swung open revealing a tired middle aged man. He quickly took charge of the situation when the stranger walked right in. "Lay him on this bed," He instructed pointing towards an empty hospital bed. The man obeyed and lay him down. Shang moaned with pain as he relaxed. The doctor quickly set to work. "Take her out," He told the stranger. The man nodded and grabbed Ty-Lee by the arm and began walking out. "No! He's my husband can't I stay?" She panicked. The man stopped mid step. The healer sighed. "No miss, just wait." He said with sympathy. Ty-Lee gasped and struggled against his grip. "No! Please!" She yelled. "Come miss, it'll be alright," The stranger said in a deep voice full of kindness. He took her out into the hall and she sat in a chair. She buried her head in her hands and began to sob. "What-what happened?" The man asked hesitantly. "I don't know!" Ty-Lee lashed out. "I don't know!" She repeated. "He came home like that! I don't know what happened, he said something about work and falling, I'm so scared for him!" She cried with agonizing fear. The stranger sighed with sympathy, she was so scared. The healer walked out of the operation room a moment later. "This will take a few hours, you may go home and I'll send for you," He said with sorrow. Ty-Lee quickly objected. "No! I'll stay!" She said. The stranger stood. "I should probably go, I hope he's ok ma'am," He said. "Wait!" Ty-Lee called after him. He stopped without facing her. "I don't know your name," She reminded him. He smiled although she couldn't see it. "Kyo," He said simply and walked away leaving her alone in the waiting room. She wiped away her tears and her stomach growled. She then realized how hungry she was. But she couldn't just leave Shang.

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