12. The Great Terror...Within [unedited]

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Chapter 12: The Great Terror. Within.


What, have I just done. I do need his help. Mitsuki's thoughts began giving her a feeling of panic as she just refused help from the Avatar. She'd said she could do it by herself. Beat the Great Terror. She'd said she would be fine. But would she? Her heart began to race. Her breathing increased. She clutched the reins of her dragon tighter. Taking a deep breath, she calmed her nerves. Of course she'd be fine. She had the spirits on her side. Ty-Lee and her baby were safe, for now. Great Terror was named perfectly, for he was extremely terrifying. Another deep breath and she was calmed. Just think, after this was all over she'd get to take Ty-Lee home and see the look of joy on her husbands face as she'd run into his arms. Mitsuki sighed. That's what she loved about this job. But it had its downside, fallen stars-a loud shriek echoed through the valley interrupting her thoughts as she glided through the sky. "That's him," She breathed with fear. "Spirits help me now," She whispered as she guided her dragon down below. Once on the ground she was immediately on alert. He had to be sneaking around here somewhere. "Star Skill 'Archer'," As she said the words a bow was formed from a burst of light. Arrows soon appeared at her side as well. She set an arrow, ready to strike at a moments notice. A twig snaps. She's in position at once to shoot whatever it was. Her breathing was unsteady. It was the quiet before the storm. A hissing sound began emitting from the grass directly in her line of shot. Then he chuckled. An eerie, satisfied, chuckle. "Come out Great Terror," Mitsuki said her voice as steady as possible. She must show no fear. That, he'd identify as her weakness, and she couldn't afford a disadvantage like that. "Sweet, sweet starlight," He said in obvious mock-charm. "I'd say don't be afraid but, you have everything to fear," He said with another chuckle to his tone. "So, tell me, what have you done with the girl?" Great Terror asked casually. "She's hidden," Was all Mitsuki dared say. He laughed heartily. "You're too late," He yelled. "I already know where she is!" He said. Fear shot through Mitsuki's spine at his words. Did he really truly know where she was? If so, Ty-Lee was in grave danger. She held her bow ready to strike his heart. "Do you now," Mitsuki challenged with fierce determination. "I do, Keonama, isn't a very safe place these days," The words hit her like a spear in the chest. He knew. Then the realization popped into her mind. "No!" She let the arrow fly. It hit the ground with a thud. Great Terror wasn't here. He never had been. She threw the bow on the ground and it vanished back to light. She knelt to the ground. This was not good. This, ruined everything. All their plans. All her plans. Gone. The only thing she could do now was warn Ty-Lee. And protect her from Him. "I have to go back!" She screamed in anger. This wasn't fair. He could go in and out from any spirit world in an instant. But she had to sprinkle the Blue Moon Dust if she wanted to go anywhere. She didn't have time to run all the way over to Sonna. "Star Skill 'wings,'" Out of light came a pair of wings from Mitsuki's back. They spread like a giant bird and began flapping up and down. Mitsuki flew as fast as she could. Ty-Lee couldn't be hurt, or killed, she had to save her. A mock laugh sounded from the clouds above. Mitsuki stopped mid air. She looked around but no one was there. Then she saw the giant, red, glowing eyes inside the misty-fog of the clouds. She could barely trace the outline of Great Terrors true form. Somehow he'd grown considerably in size. He was huge! He kept laughing as she stared. "Where are you?!" Mitsuki demanded. She flew up but he wasn't anywhere in sight. "Don't you know princess?" His smooth strait forward voice echoed in her ear. "Know what?" She asked preparing herself for what was coming. "If you succeed, you'll fall," His voice was precise. Like he knew exactly what he was doing, like he could never mess up or make any mistakes. "I-I'll fall?" She questioned not quite sure what exactly he meant. "If you succeed in protecting the young lady with child, you'll have to fall," He continued slyly. "All stars will fall eventually." His shadow moved around but she could never find Him. "And I'm sure you know what happens to fallen stars," He said knowingly. Mitsuki had to confess, she didn't actually know what happened to them. She knew it was something bad, but what exactly? "No," She ventured quietly. He chuckled satisfied. "Oh?" Mitsuki could tell he already knew she had no idea. "Well, I'll tell you," He said in an inviting tone. Mitsuki knew he was stalling her so he could get into the spirit world, but she had to know what happened to fallen stars. "You see, this mission to protect the little lady with child is not your first mission," What? How could that be? Mitsuki never remembered going on any other missions. "You've gone on exactly 9 other missions before this one, I know I've been watching you," This didn't make any sense. She couldn't have- "I'll tell you how it is all possible," He said in a voice that almost sounded like he could be a nice person. "You fell," He starts off. "You are a star spirit, you were sent on missions everywhere, you've been many stars before," This didn't quite make sense. "Now you've worked your way to becoming the Moonstar," For a split second Mitsuki catches a glimpse of his smirk as he told the story. "Like all the other star spirits you have to fall after each mission," He played on smoothly. "What falling does is somewhat horrific," He warned in an eager tone. "After you've completed a mission, the stars have to fall, and when you fall, you lose all your memories." He stated plainly. "You forget who you saved, you forget who you met along the way, you forget what great evil you've just defeated," That, was awful. So she'd fallen before? She forgot all those other missions? That wasn't at all fair. How could a terrible thing like that happen to an innocent spirit? Noticing the disgusted look on Mitsuki's face, Great Terror knew his plan was working. "The mission before you were assigned to this one, you met someone special," Great Terror said in mock. "Wh-who?" Mitsuki dared ask. He laughed. "You two fell in love, but he'd already completed ALL his missions," Mitsuki remained perfectly still, taking in every single word. "If you're not obliterated you get the chance to be human-like for the rest of you life," He explained. "So, he'd already completed his missions and could now keep all his memories, you on the other hand," He chuckled a bit as she listened intently. "You had to fall, You had to lose all the memories you'd made on that mission, You were the one who had to forget Him, he couldn't stand that, he begged and pleaded with the spirits to let you stay the Moonstar forever, he begged them not to make you forget that you loved him," He paused watching her reaction to the story. "They on the other hand, refused, you have 2 more missions to complete," He spoke softer now. "This one, and one more," He whispered solemnly. Mitsuki took a moment to realize what this meant. And suddenly she hated the spirit council. They weren't being fair. To forget everything you worked to save was-horrible. "There's one more thing," He said in a sad tone of voice. It almost sounded as if he felt sorry for her. "If you don't complete a mission-" He paused taking a deep breath before continuing. "You get obliterated," Mitsuki got a confused look. He sounded so much like he cared, but why would he? She's been trying to kill him this whole time, and he's against the spirit world, why should he care? "What does that mean?" She asked in a shaky tone. "It means you will fade," Mitsuki took in a sharp breath. "Your star up there, will disappear," He continued. "You will have no missions, you will have no life, and you won't ever get your memories to keep forever, you'll. Be. Dead. " A boom of thunder sounded in the distance. The clouds were dark, the ground no longer visible. The two spirits just stared at each other. Mitsuki's eyes had on a look of disbelief, while Great Terror's took on a look of pain and sadness. The rain began. The dark gloomy sky began to weep. Mitsuki just sat there, unable to comprehend why this evil spirit seemed to care so much about Her. All along she thought He was the bad guy. He was the evil. He was incapable of caring, feeling, protecting. But here he was, trying to help her, but maybe he was playing her, maybe he was pretending to care, he was just trying to make her think he was good so maybe she wouldn't attack. But, something, something in his eyes-seemed so genuine. So real, so-so caring. But there was No reason for it. No reason for caring. The conflict in her mind was so rattling, so hard to understand what was happening. Tears stripped down her face as she watched that look in his eye, he pressed his eyes closed in an attempt to block out the sight before him. His little star was crying, and that was a sight he couldn't bare. "I must go to Keonama now," He said in discouragement. "I know we'll meet again, goodbye Starlight," He vanished. Mitsuki was left alone to contemplate his behavior. Why did he act that way? What could be his ultimate purpose for treating her like he actually cared, a lot. She wiped the tears as she became soaked in the rain. "Mitsuki" She jolted her head up. Nothing. She coulda swore she heard Merrokka's voice calling her. She shrugged it off and continued down to where she could travel to the spirit world of Keonama.

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