7. When Life Gets Tough [unedited]

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Chapter7: When Life Gets Tough...


"I don't know why, but it seems like life is never fair when you need it to be," The wind blew the young girls hair back and forth. Zohru watched her. She sat all alone. She was talking to herself, or so he thought. "It just seems, almost, like someone is out there trying to reck it for us," Zohru couldn't see her face, but she was strange, she had white hair, long white hair, "Every time we need help, we are pushed down harder," She continued on. "I wish I could've met you," Zohru had no idea who she was talking about, or to. "Maybe I'll see you someday, I wonder if you're as pretty as everyone says you are," She said with a giggle. She looked upward to the moon which shone brightly. "They say you had white hair, like me, and you have a beautiful name, Yue," So she was talking to Yue. Zohru stepped closer to hear her better. But doing so he snapped a twig and the girl jerked her head back and saw him. She had a beautiful face. Her eyes were a soft purple and under her right eye was a purple star that sparkled. It almost looked painted on. In her hair just above her ears were two little bows tied in. Her bangs hung just over her eyes, covering her eyebrows giving her an almost shy look. "What-were you spying on me?" She asked. "No I-well, I come up here a lot and when I got here I saw you," He confessed. She smiled a beautiful smile and turned back. "Come sit, I don't suppose you'd want to share your mountain," She said jokingly. Zohru sat beside the mysterious girl and laughed. "I'll share," He said. "This really is a beautiful place," The girl announced taking in the scene. "I think the violets make it look almost magical," She told him shyly. "Yea, you should see this place when the fireflies come out," he said excitedly. "Talk about magical," He continued with a chuckle. "I wanna see!" The girl said immediately. Zohru laughed. "You can, they should be out soon." He was excited as well. "The trees here are gorgeous," She continued on. "The hanging vines make it dark and mysterious," She said with a laugh. Zohru laughed too. She was so different from all the other girls he knew. He turned to her to get a better look at her. She wore black pants, not a dress like everyone else, with a white stripe down their sides, she wore a black long sleeved shirt but the sleeves went down a little farther than normal ones, they reached her knuckles. The sleeves also had a white stripe down their arms. Her nails were a dark violet-purple, it was strange, he'd never seen colored nails before. "And the way the moon and stars shine gives this place an amazing soft glow," She said after a moment of silence. "Yea," He said with a half smile. "I don't know your name," He reminded her. She chuckled. "Lets keep it that way, if you knew my secret you wouldn't want to know me," She said mysteriously. "Ah, a girl of many secrets, I like that," He said with a smile. But she didn't smile. She rested her arms across her knees and buried her chin in them. "Yea," She said simply. He watched as her eyes got big. "Look!" She pointed to a small firefly that ascended slowly from a bush. It was quickly followed by several more until they lit the whole place up. This truly was magical. The look on the girls face was priceless. It was a look of unbridled joy, she stared at the amazing scene before her. "It's beautiful!" She said cheerfully. She jumped to her feet and looked all around taking it all in. Zohru watched her face as it lit up like a thousand fireflies. The moon shone on her giving her the appearance of a spirit girl. That's when he noticed her skin was a little paler than normal. She turned and faced him. Without taking her eyes off him she sat down. "Do you-believe in spirits?" She asked. "Doesn't everyone?" He asked with a chuckle. "No," She replied simply. "In fact, everyone I've met so far doesn't believe they're real," She said a bit disheartened. Zohru wondered why she was so sad. "But you believe, right?" She asked hopefully. "Of course I do," He replied with a warm smile. She smiled back content at last. "I really should be going," She said with a slight frown. "Oh, well, so should I, I've got school in the morning," Zohru said as he stood. "School? Oh," She contemplated a moment before asking, "Is it fun?" Zohru chuckled. "Sometimes, but the homework is tough," He answered. She nodded. It seemed like she had no idea what school was like. "Well, I'll be going now, nice to meet you," She said with a cheerful smile. "Yea, will I ever see you again?" He asked before she got the chance to walk away forever. She stopped and faced him halfway. "Maybe someday," She said and left.

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