11. Spirits World [unedited]

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Chapter 11: Spirits World


Day 2

It was her second day being in the spirit world called Keonama. She and her spirit guide had made significant progress and were just now packing up camp. "By tomorrow we should be in the city of Beramma," 3 said studying the map. "They're always at war with the city across from them that's called Judica, so we won't be stopping there." 3 continued. "Oh, yikes, alright then," Ty-Lee said as she put the map back in the bag. She stood and they trudged onward.

Around noon they took a break for lunch. Ty-Lee was officially out of breath. They'd walked for five hours strait. Well, she'd walked, 3 floated, however she did that. Ty-Lee opened the bag, took out the bag of berries, and began eating them. They were delicious. "Want some?" She asked her guide. "Guides don't need to eat," The little spirit replied hastily. "We don't get hungry," She went on. "Oh, ok then," Ty-Lee gobbled up the berries quickly. She had an awful craving for wild purple-berries. But she forced herself not to open the other bags. She had to save those ones. "Alright lets get-" Suddenly a small child's scream rang out and from behind the trees a little girl came running up to them. She clung to Ty-Lee's legs and wouldn't let go. "Are you alright?" Ty-Lee asked startled. The red headed girl didn't say a thing she just clutched Ty-Lee harder. Then a giant monster-type-thingy came out from where the girl had come from. "Give me my daughter back," He demanded in a deep gravely voice. Ty-Lee don't know what was going on but she couldn't give this small child to that awful creature. He held out his giant hand which could hold three normal sized men, and demanded she hand over the little girl. "No!" Ty-Lee said bluntly. She had no idea what she was getting herself into. "What?" The man-beast said in shock. "No one refuses me!" He growled. "Now, give her to me!" He demanded yet again. "No." Ty-Lee said still. She wasn't gonna give up this innocent child. Then a woman, with purple hair of all things, cam from behind the man-beast. "My baby!" She called. "Mommy!" The little girl who'd been hiding behind Ty-Lee finally let go and ran to her mother. "What're you doing Drigon?" She asked the beast. "I-I came to get our daughter," He explained with an innocent voice. "You mean MY daughter," She argued. "Come on honey," The beast said in a deep, pleading tone. Ty-Lee was utterly confused. This was all crazy and didn't make sense. "I was saving her from a monster back there," The beast tries to explain. "That's why she ran," He continued on while the woman rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry to disturb you ma'am," She says to Ty-Lee. "You may be on your way, I can handle him," She says with a warm smile. Ty-Lee nodded, a bit skeptical, but she still nodded and moved on. 3 gave a weary sigh. "Some people in this world may seem strange and somewhat crazy to you, but that's just how life is for us," 3 says with determination. "To us, your world would seem strange and your ways crazy," She tries to tell Ty-Lee as best she can. The little spirit hovered over to a small stream a few feet to the right. "Lets fill our water bottles here," She says. "Who knows when we'll find water again," So Ty-Lee fills their bottles in the stream and they continue on their journey to the White Cottage.

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