15. Homecoming [unedited]

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Chapter 15: Homecoming.


The safety was slowly leaving. Ty-Lee felt the bitter cold of the outside, as she was taken from the security of the GlowLight. Right in front of her stood Mitsuki. "Welcome back," She says with a cheery smile. "Did you-defeat him?" Ty-Lee asks. Mitsuki nodded still smiling. "Now lets get you home." She said and led the way upstairs. In the living room the old woman stood talking to-Temeharo? Why was he here? Both girls wondered the same thing. "What're you doing here?" Mitsuki was the first to ask. He did that half smile and Mitsuki's stomach flopped for some reason. Why did it do that whenever he smiled that way? "I came to see my grandmother," He explained. Mitsuki nodded. "I didn't know she was your grandmother!" Ty-Lee said. Mitsuki was the only one to notice Ty-Lee's voice had returned to its normal cheerfulness. She smiled. Glad to have everything back to normal. Temeharo led the girls outside after waving goodbye to his grandmother. "I'll walk you ladies to the Arch," He said once they'd stepped outside. "Thanks," Mitsuki whispered shyly. The feeling she got when around him was the strangest thing ever. She'd never felt it before, and wondered what it could be.

On the long journey back to the Arch Mitsuki kept questioning why she felt this way. It killed her not to know what this feeling was. She stopped short as she had a realization. Noticing the small group walking on ahead she quickly hopped over and walked behind Temeharo. Ty-Lee was having a lively conversation with her guide, so Mitsuki took this opportunity to speak with Haro alone. She stepped forward and walked beside him. He just smiled and remained silent. Mitsuki didn't speak either until they'd taken a few more steps. "I wanted to say, I'm sorry I forgot you," She starts off with that, letting the conversation slowly steer to her point. "Forgot me?" Haro doesn't seem to know what she means. "You know, since I had to fall," She said shyly. He nodded with a frown. "It's ok," He said. He sounded almost hurt which made Mitsuki feel bad for bringing it up. "There's something that's bugging me though," She says finally getting to her point. Haro looks at her with surprise. "Oh?" He says indicating for her to enlighten him. "Yea, how did we meet?" She asks. "Well," Haro smiles at the recollection. "You are a star spirit correct?" He begins. "Mmhmm," Mitsuki answered. "I am a-this might sound like the weirdest thing-" Mitsuki laughed. A thing she hadn't done in ages. "Tell me!" She says with a bright smile. Haro laughs awkwardly. "Well, I'm a-a"

"A??" Mitsuki can't wait any longer for the answer. He smiles down at her and she turns away, hiding that feeling. "I'm the rain spirit," He says at last. Mitsuki smiled. "You're right that is weird!" She said teasingly. Haro smiles and then gets a look of severe pain in his eyes. "Are you ok?" Mitsuki asked. Haro nodded. "You used to tease like that all the time, I guess I just wish you could remember-" Mitsuki's smile turns to a frown. She wished she could remember too. But she didn't. "I'm sorry," Haro took both her hands in his as they walked along. "Don't be," He says. The hurting look still hadn't left his eyes. He smiles reassuring her. "Anyways, you asked how we met," Mitsuki smiles as well and he tells the story. "You were on a mission to protect a little girl who'd lost her parents until she could meet up with a nice couple who'd take her in," This story is so interesting, mostly because its about her. "But you couldn't let the child know you were protecting her," He says with a devilish grin. "Well, the simple job of the unseen body guard soon turned into an all out war between spirits, a couple of spirits wanted to kill this child, so I was sent to help you," Mitsuki smiled as she listened. "One of the spirits was attacking you, and would've killed you but luckily I came to your rescue," He was doing that smile again. Mitsuki giggled. "I swept you off your feet and we soon became friends," He bent down. Mitsuki wasn't sure what he was doing, so she pulled back. He bent over and kissed her cheek. Her jaw dropped. A million things passed through her mind. She looked at him. He looked like he regretted doing what he just did. Mitsuki gasped. "I'm sorry," Temeharo said a little angry at himself for kissing her on the cheek. "Are you-are you the one Altoru told me about?" Mitsuki asked. "The one he said I fell in love with?" At her words Temeharo stared into space. "Y-yes," He stammered a bit unsure. Mitsuki stopped walking. Ty-Lee stopped as well as everyone else. "Is-everything ok?" Ty-Lee asked as she had not herd their whole conversation. "They told me not to tell you," Haro said timidly. "They said it might scare you, the thought of loving someone you don't even know," Mitsuki just looked at him. His eyes, so full of pain and sadness. "There's a feeling-a feeling I get when I'm around you," Mitsuki started off. "At first I didn't know what it was but now-now I know it's love, I've fallen in love with you again," She said. Ty-Lee watched intently as they both talked. "I-I've always love you Mitsi," Haro said. Mitsuki smiled."is that what you used to call me," Haro smiled too. "Yes," He said slyly. Mitsuki laughed. He was so charming. No wonder she'd fallen in love with him the last time. He held her face in both his hands. Brushing her hair aside he said, "I loved you once, I love you still, I always have and I always will," Temeharo leaned closer. He pressed his lips against hers in a deep passionate kiss. Ty-Lee gasped and 3 giggled. "Too bad she'll have to fall again," Ty-Lee looked at 3 quizzically. "Oh that's right, you don't know what that is, you'll find out," Ty-Lee didn't want to 'find out' she wanted to know now. "What does that mean?" She asked. 3 shook her little head. "Not telling," Ty-Lee crossed her arms. "No fair," She mumbled. 3 smiled. She really liked Ty-Lee. When Mitsuki and Temeharo finally parted they quickly continued walking to the Arch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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