5. A Double Wedding [unedited]

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Chapter5: A Double Wedding.


With her wedding coming up in just two weeks and having to do all the planning herself, plus taking care of some things here on Kyoshi, Ty-Lee was very stressed out. She sat alone at her desk writing letters to some of her friends. She'd just finished writing one to Katara and Aang, and was now working on one to Toph and her husband. She sighed as she finished it. Now she had to take it to the post office and it would be sent during the night and arrive at it's destination by morning. As she walked along the road she heard someone running behind her. She intended to just step out of the way but the person slowed as they approached her. She turned to see it was the sister of her fiancé. "Hey Rayseal, what's up?" She said as cheerfully and non-tiredly as possible. Rayseal grinned. "Oh, nothing much, just wanted some advice." As she said this Ty-Lee noticed she was blushing slightly. Rayseal probably thought she couldn't see because it was dusk. Ty-Lee smiled. "Is it, about a boy?" She asked. The young girl gasped. "How did you know?" Rayseal had really grown up in the past few years, she was a teenager now and a beautiful one at that. Whenever Ty-Lee saw her around town boys would be constantly hovering over her and talking to her. There was only one boy, Ty-Lee noticed, that wasn't completely obsessed with her, and respected her. It was her friend Alveras, the mute. "Well, your blush kind of betrayed that part," She said with a grin. Rayseal blushed again but this time looked away. "Oh," She said a smile to her voice. Ty-Lee laughed and put her arm around the girl. "What is it you need to know?" She asked. "Well, first of all, how do you know who the 'right one' is?" She asked hopelessly. "Like, the right one to spend the rest of your life with?" She asked again as Ty-Lee hadn't answered yet. "Well, I know for me it was extremely hard, and I think the best way is to watch, and listen, the right one will be kind and caring, and will go to extremes to make you happy, if he's not the right one, he'll take you for granted, and not treat you completely right," She tried to explain as best she knew how. Rayseal nodded. "So, like how Shang treats you?" She said happily. Now it was Ty-Lee's turn to blush. "Yea," She replied. Rayseal became serious again. "And, what if, how do you tell if they like you?" She asked nervously. "Well, that's harder, but you'll just sort of, know, I don't know, I'm not very good at this," She said honestly. Rayseal smiled. "It's ok," She assured her. "I'm so in love with this boy, and I wish he loved me too, but he doesn't talk much, and I'm not sure he feels the same way, and it makes me sad," Ty-Lee's heart went out to her. She seemed really down. "Alveras?" Rayseal went pale. "How-" Ty-Lee only laughed. "A little too much information, I could easily guess." Ty-Lee stated simply. Rayseal took a deep breath as they approached the town. "Ok, what should I do? He doesn't talk at all, but I just fell in love with him and I don't know how, he hasn't said a word to me, ever," She said confused. Ty-Lee loved the fact that Rayseal felt they could talk about anything. "People don't fall in love with each other by what the other person says, lots of people can lie, so it's not what he says that you fell in love with, it's what he does, the way he looks when he watches, maybe, a bird, or maybe it was the way he looked at you, anything really," Ty-Lee explained. Rayseal began to understand now. Her features lit up with excitement. "He does have beautiful eyes, and when he looks at me I feel-" She quickly became silent. "Shh, don't tell Shang any of this please!" The young woman pleaded. Ty-Lee nodded as Shang walked up to the girls. "Why did you hush up when I got here?" He asked curiously. Ty-Lee kissed his cheek and entered the post office saying, "Girl stuff," Shang nodded understanding a little bit.

The next day, as Ty-Lee was at home washing dishes, Rayseal sat on a stool and talked with her more about the whole being in love with Alveras thing. "If he does like me, how is he going to say it? He can't talk," Rayseal argued pointedly. "I believe he can talk, but he chooses not to, he'll figure out a way to tell you, or show you, that he loves you," Ty-Lee countered with a smile. "But if he doesn't like me-" She stopped short as someone entered the kitchen. "What?" Ty-Lee wasn't facing the doorway so she didn't see the person enter. "We have company," Rayseal said quietly. Ty-Lee turned around. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Ty-Lee smiled and ran to hug Katara. "You're here!" She exclaimed with a squeal. "Hi," Katara said with a laugh. Then a nine year old boy ran in. "Wow! Look at this big house!" He yelled. "Is that Bumi?" Ty-Lee asked. Katara shook her head. "Tenzin," She replied. Ty-Lee gasped. "Wow, he's gotten so big," She said. Katara smiled just as Aang entered with twelve year old Kya and eleven year old Bumi. "I'm so happy for you, you're getting married!" Katara exclaimed. Ty-Lee nodded with a blush. "Who's your friend?" Aang asked nodding towards Rayseal. "Oh! My fiancées sister, her name is Rayseal," She explained. "Rayseal, this is Avatar Aang and his family," She said with a broad smile. Rayseal wasn't very happy that she didn't get to finish her talk with Ty-Lee, but seeing how happy Ty-Lee was, she smiled anyways and made an excuse to leave.

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