4. Final Decision [unedited]

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Chapter4: Final Decision


Ty-Lee woke up to find Meumi and Shakira sitting at the end of her bed giggling. "What-" Before she could even ask what on earth they were doing in her room so early Shakira spoke up. "Morning, you slept in duh," She said with a half smile. "And you're late for Suki's meeting," Meumi added. Ty-Lee sat strait up. How could she of slept in? "What! I never sleep in!" She exclaimed. She threw the covers off and jumped out if bed hurrying to the closet. Meumi giggled. "Well, you did now, hey when did you get in last night? We didn't hear or see you," She questioned. Ty-Lee sat on her bed to put her shoes on before answering. "I slipped in through the back, I didn't want to disrupt your party," She said innocently enough. Shakira brushed off the excuse. "Please, you wouldn't disrupt our party, you'd make it better," At the complement Ty-Lee couldn't help but smile. "Thanks," She said and headed toward the door. "Uh, Ty-Lee," Shakira said stifling a laugh. "What?" Ty-Lee said pausing at the closed door. "You might wanna put some clothes on," She said. Ty-Lee then realized she was in her undergarments. How embarrassing. "Oh, yea," She walked back to the closet to put on her Kyoshi warrior outfit. Meumi was still laughing uncontrollably at the idea of her going out like that. Ty-Lee quickly did her warrior paint and then punched Meumi's shoulder. "Stop laughing at me!" She said feigning a hurt look. Meumi softened although her face looked as if she could laugh again. "I'm sorry," She said and hopped up. "But if you'd gone out like that!-" She couldn't finish for she was consumed in laughter as she ran out the door and down the stairs. Ty-Lee scoffed although she herself found it rather amusing. After a very quick breakfast, she hurried to the meeting. "Shakira can I ask you something?" She became serious once more as they walked to the training shack. "Anything," Her friend said with a smile. Ty-Lee pondered a moment finding exactly the right way to say this. "It might sound strange but-I want you to tell me honestly," Shakira laughed a little. "Since when have I been dishonest with you?" She asked playfully. Ty-Lee however was very serious. "But I need you to promise you'll answer truthfully," She persisted. Shakira had no idea what kind of question this was gonna be, but she nodded anyway. "Do you think I'm-dumb?" She asked hopefully. Shakira stopped in her tracks. "Who has ever told you you're dumb?" She demanded a bit harsher than she meant. Ty-Lee gasped but quickly recovered her stature. "Just-someone nobody important," She lied. Shakira shook her head. "You're not dumb Ty-Lee, in fact you're one of the smartest people I know," She said honestly. Ty-Lee took a deep breath. That wasn't quite what she meant. "No, not like that, like, do you think my perky cheery attitude is dumb?" She asked once again. Shakira sighed. "No," She said. "I love your happiness, it makes everyone else happy as well, you can turn the gloomiest situation into the happiest situation, don't ever change for anyone, if this person thinks you're dumb, then they don't deserve to have you as a friend, they need to get lost and take their gloominess with them." She stated. Ty-Lee was let down however. The person was-

"It's Haru," She said disheartened. "What?" Shakira didn't quite understand. "Haru said I was a perky cheery dumb girl," She recalled. Shakira went white. Why would he do that? She pondered. "Well, I-don't know what to say,"

"Neither did I," Ty-Lee agreed. Shakira was shocked. She thought Haru adored her. Guess she thought wrong. "Speak of the devil," Shakira said as Haru himself ran up. "Ty-Lee, I was hoping I'd find you here-" Shakira wouldn't allow him to speak. Not after calling her friend dumb. "Why so you can call her names again," Haru took on a solemn look. "I-"

"No, you listen here, you're supposed to be her boyfriend, you're supposed to care about her and you're supposed to protect her from other people calling her dumb, you don't need to call her dumb, if anyone deserves to be called a name that is you, and your name is idiot for taking granted of a good girl like Ty-Lee," Shakira yelled in his face. "She is a very nice girl and doesn't deserve to be treated that way, she deserves respect and that is something you're obviously not willing to give her, so ya know what? She doesn't need you! So I suggest you get lost mr. 'I can call girls dumb'" Haru looked at the ground ashamed of what he had done the night before. "I know," He whispered. "And you're right, she deserves better than me, but I came to tell her personally that I am so so sorry for calling you that," He was so sincere in his apology Ty-Lee was almost willing to accept it. "I didn't mean it, I was angry, but not at you, at-someone else, and I just took it out on you, and for that I am truly sorry," Ty-Lee nodded. "Ok, I forgive you," She said with a faint smile. Haru didn't smile however he only grew sadder. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you," He said nervously. "Yes?" Ty-Lee said a little afraid of what was coming. "I-well-that is I-well, there's a man, in Republic City, he offered me a job, a really cool and fun job, I told him I'd think about it, I've thought and-" He took her hands in his own at this point. "I'd like to take it." Ty-Lee gasped as did Shakira. "You're leaving then..." She questioned. Haru nodded. "And it's like I said, you deserve way, way, better than me, so, I'm gonna let you go, maybe I'll see you someday, maybe you'll be married and stuff, maybe even with little kids, I don't know, but I really did fall in love with you, remember that," he took a step back. He let go of her small hands. As her fingers slipped off the tips of his she thought to herself, is it worth it, to let him go? Do I still have the feelings for him that I did almost five years ago when we danced at Zuko's wedding? Maybe.... Not.....

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