One of Us 8

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Haruhi wandered around the deserted hallway for a long time, but it wasn't until winding up on the second year floor when she realized she was lost. The school was huge and had many maze-like hallways, so Haruhi had expected this to happen sometime or another. Forgetting about her missing notebook, she shrugged her bag up onto her shoulder and began walking back to the cafeteria.

"Excuse me,"

A smooth voice interrupted her daze and caused her to let out a small shriek. Haruhi quickly turned back around and saw a tall teenage boy leaning against the wall. He had black hair that fell down on his forehead as bangs, and oval shaped glasses that he kept pushing up to the bridge of his nose. He wasn't paying much attention to her, or so she thought, because he was busy writing in a small black book.

"Miss, I am talking to you." He continued, sending a chill down Haruhi's spine. She straightened up and decided to say something to him.

"Yes?" She asked. He pushed his glasses up again and continued writing in his notebook.

"I haven't seen you around in the second year classes today. Have you been skipping?"

This guy was weird. In a completely different way than Tamaki. But, no matter how intimidating he seemed, she had to act friendly. She didn't have anyone else but the the twins and Tamaki, so she faked a modest smile anyway.

"No, the truth is I'm just a first year. I got lost on the way to my classroom and found myself here." She said, brushing her hair away from her eyes. "Who are you, if you don't mind me asking?"

The boy stood up straight and snapped the book shut.

"I am Kyouya Ootori, the son of the head of the Ootori group. You are Miss Haruhi Fujioka, an orphan that is currently living with the Hitachiin twins if I'm not mistaken. I will call you by your first name from now on if you don't mind." He rattled off information about her so bluntly that Haruhi was very taken aback.

"H-how do you know so much about me?" She wondered. He shrugged a little and turned so that he was facing her.

"That's none of your concern, Haruhi." Kyouya said. Haruhi became red in the face and began to get a little angry.

"Um, it's every bit of my concern! That's me you're talking about, isn't it? And since you were so rude as not to ask my permission before addressing me so formally, I will do the same to you, Kyouya Senpai." She huffed and crossed her arms. Kyouya smirked.

"Do as you wish, but my family does own a private police force. I will be your friend, but only because you are acquainted with Tamaki Suoh. He and I are very close, you know." He was speaking in such a monotone voice, and it was almost scary how soothing it was to her.

Haruhi wrinkled her eyebrows and looked up at him.

"Close like brothers?" She asked.

He hesitated for a second and then shook his head.

"No, we are just good friends. Our families are also friends." He opened the black book again and took a few notes before Haruhi interrupted him again.

"If you know so much about me and basically everyone else on earth, than what can you tell me about Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin? Why does everyone avoid them, and why did Tamaki send me this warning letter?" She pushed the crumpled paper through the crack of the book so that he could read it. His eyes scanned the paper and his face went sour.

"The Hitachiin twins and basically every other student on this campus are not on speaking terms. Everyone knows why, and I think that soon you will be able to find out. But please hear me out," He leaned in a bit closer, so he was able to whisper and Haruhi could still hear, "you may think those brothers are worth your time, but they aren't. They don't care about anyone other than themselves, and if you get to close they could break you. People can get hurt, Haruhi. And I'm not talking about just you." Haruhi stepped away slowly once she figured out he was finished.

Hikaru's words from the other day flashed in her mind, and she could still picture the look on his face when he said it.

"We can break you,"

It was a warning. She was getting lots of warnings from many different people now, but she still didn't want to listen. Kyouya and Tamaki didn't even try to hide the fact of how weak they thought she was. They also didn't know the twins that well, either. How could they? They didn't talk to them at all, and they both gave off strong hints of how much they hated Hikaru and Kaoru.

But what's to hate? She thought.

The thick silence was suddenly interrupted by a flash of blond hair.

"Hello Haruhi! Did you come all the way here looking for me? Oh, I see you've met my friend Kyouya. Quite a downer, isn't he?" Tamaki's cheerful voice snapped Haruhi awake. She forced a smile and looked at him.

"Oh, actually I'm lost. Can you please show me how to get back to the lunchroom?" She asked with a shaky voice. Kyouya glanced at her knowingly and then smirked again. He held out a hand for her to shake.

"It was nice meeting you, Miss Haruhi. I'm sure I will see you again." He dismissed her. Haruhi took his hand and felt him push Tamaki's note back into her palm. She tried to act like nothing was happening, but it was hard to hide the surprise on her face.

As Tamaki walked ahead of her and led the way back to the cafeteria, she unfolded the note and noticed some extra writing on the back of it.

Remember what I said. Don't trust them.


Well, that's another chapter out of the way. It is dedicated to @GorgeousVampireGirl because she always comments on my work and is really supportive! If you want a dedication, all you need to do is write a nice comment or suggestion about how to make my story better, or what you like about it. Well, the next chapter will be up later today. ^_^

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