One of Us 11

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Every single student that attended the Ouran middle school and high school went to Marie's funeral. Every one of them had read her goodbye letter. This is what it said:

This is for everyone who doesn't care.

My family, and so called "friends"

And especially, Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin.

I love all of you, but I need to disappear. I know none of you love me back.

That's how everything started.



Kaoru stopped eating again this week. I think I have, too, but I can't really tell. We are both worked up pretty bad. 

At Marie's funeral, when we read that letter, the first thing we did was collapse. My first thought was, "We killed her," and I still believe that now. I don't think I need to tell you how other people reacted. Eventually they just took down the letter and hoped everyone would forget about it.  

That certainly did not happen. 

We didn't go to school for two weeks. When we came back, everyone acted horrified if we entered the same room as them. Kaoru and I had never been to social, but people were always nice to us. Now they act like we were some sort of threat. 

The police came to our house after they read the letter. They interviewed us and we told them the entire story, we didn't even lie about it. They couldn't arrest us, so they ended up just leaving. Kaoru didn't talk at all. I did. I didn't want too, but I couldn't let Kaoru do it. He would break down.

Haruhi shut the journal, unable to read on. She had read three of the eight books and they had all described the incident with the girl named Marie. People treated them like murderers. They thought of themselves as murderers. All the twins were back then were bullies. They didn't murder anyone. That girl made her choice, and she must have been sick to include them in her "goodbye letter". It was like she was blaming the Twins, and according to the journals, they had never even spoken until the day by the pond. She must have been pretty desperate. Haruhi didn't want to read any more about Marie, so she grabbed one of the more recent books and flipped it open to a random page.


We turned fourteen yesterday. Our mom got us both new journals and phones. It was a pretty good day. 

Kaoru and I are happy that it's summer. We go into our last year of middle school next year, and we CAN wait for it. We never want to go back.  

Our parents have been making us see a counselor to help us with our problems. Honestly, we don't have any. We have no problems except that we haven't spoken a word to anyone other than ourselves since the police came to our house.  

Everyone thought that this incident would pass, but it has only gotten worse as time builds up. A few people had tried to befriend us, and we let them. We had even talked a little and smiled. Worst mistake of our lives. Whenever someone got close to us, the whole school treated them the same way as they treated us-- like we were a threat. Every student we befriended ended up switching schools because they just couldn't handle that kind of torment.  

I think that someone has been warning the students about us. I want to figure out who, though.

Haruhi closed that book, too. Now she knew what everyone was talking about when they said the twins could break her. She was still confused about something, though. What was their deal with Tamaki and Kyouya?

She stuffed the journals under her bed and covered them with a blanket. She needed some air. Haruhi walked out of her room and started pacing around each floor. Eventually, when she reached the living room, she collapsed on the couch and put her hands over her face, trying to get her brain to absorb all of what she had just read. The twins didn't deserve all of this torment. Sure, they we're mean to a few girls when they were younger, but to be treated like criminals their whole lives?

"Haruhi?" A voice interrupted her thought. She uncovered her eyes and looked up to see Kaoru standing by the couch. He was wearing his pajamas, and Haruhi had to hide the fact that she was blushing. It was no secret that the twins were good looking.

"Oh, hi Kaoru." She said, trying to act normal and not guilty. Kaoru looked surprised.

"You guessed right again." He said softly, looking pleased. Haruhi nodded and patted the seat next to her.

"Where's Hikaru? She wondered, eyeing the ginger as he sat down.

"Taking his shower." He responded, pointing to their bedroom. Haruhi nodded.

"So what should we do? It's pretty late... We could watch a movie if you want." Haruhi suggested. Kaoru's face lit up, and Haruhi had to bite down on her tongue to make sure she wouldn't praise him. She had really never seen either twin smile before. It was a beautiful sight.

"Yeah! Yeah, that sounds fun! I haven't seen a movie with anyone other than Hikaru for years. Can we wait for him, though?" He asked, inching a little closer to her. Haruhi wanted to grab his face and photocopy it so she could remember what he looked like when he was happy. Who knows when it would happen again.

"Yes, of course! What movie?" She asked, keeping her excitement down to a minimum. She didn't want to say anything to him that would make him go back to being a drone. She thought of another question. Why had they even talked to her in the first place? They wrote about it in the journals how they didn't talk to anybody. Why didn't they just brush her off like everyone else?

Kaoru shrugged and leaned back.

"You choose, commoner. I can watch these movies all the time."


He realized that might have sounded offensive, so he sat in straight and looked at her worriedly.

"I-I'm sorry! I really didn't mean it like that... I'm not used to talking to people!" He blurted, waving his hands around. Haruhi laughed out loud and forgave him. She thought he was absolutely adorable.

"Hey, what's up?" Hikaru walked into the room, also wearing pajamas. Kaoru waved him over and had him sit down.

"Guess what? We are going to watch a movie!" Kaoru said. He was not subtle with showing his excitement. Hikaru stopped and looked at him with shock. His eyes took in all of his brothers newborn happiness and he couldn't take it. His face burst with a smile that shattered all of the darkness he had shown Haruhi the past few days. Haruhi gave a full mouth smile back at him and then began discussing what movie they should watch. They finally decided on the City of Bones.

Hikaru and Kaoru leaned back on the couch and crossed one leg over the other, so on knee was sticking out to the side. Haruhi was amazed about how much alike they were. They were also really different, though. Hikaru was going to be harder to get to know, but his weak spot was Kaoru. Haruhi knew she had to get Kaoru first, and she basically already had. She just had to earn his trust and then show him that she wasn't going to leave him. That's what they both needed.

Haruhi watched the opening of the movie flash on the screen, and she wondered if the twins felt the same way she did. She wondered if they had ever wanted a change.

Maybe they did, but they were just afraid to make one.

That, Haruhi thought, would be the saddest thing of all.


Daily update #1= Done! :) Yay! I might do a double update today, because it is a snow day!! I did a triple update yesterday. I think that my computer is my new best friend. Anyway, please enjoy chapter 11. Thanks for reading!

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