One of Us 18

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"It's good to know that you'd never lie to us." Kaoru said dreamily. Her blood turned to ice and she could feel the guilt running through her again.

"Y-yeah, I'd never do something like that." She said, avoiding eye contact. Hikaru smiled.

"We finally found someone that we can trust. Thank you." He said.


Kaoru woke up the next Sunday with an idea. He really wanted to thank Haruhi for everthing she had been doing for them, so he had been thinking of various presents he could get for her. He finally figured it out. 

"Hikaru!" He whispered excitedly, shaking his brother's shoulder. "I've got it!"

Hikaru rolled over and looked at him tiredly. 

"What are you talking about?" He asked, flopping back down again. Kaoru rolled his eyes and then began talking.

"I was thinking we could get her a journal, like the kind mom always gets for us!" He cheered, smiling. Hikaru grinned a little and sat up straight. 

"Yeah, that's a good idea." He agreed. Kaoru nodded excitedly and hopped out of bed. He started bubbling about different types of journals they could get her. Hikaru smiled bigger and watched him. He was so cute.

"Brown or black?" He asked. "Or maybe we could go with a more modern color, like blue or something..." 

"Brown," Hikaru innterupted, holding up his hand. Kaoru nodded and started pacing around the room. "Let's go downstairs."


The twins walked down into the kitchen in thier pajamas again, and smiled when they noticed Haruhi cooking.

"Good morning," She smiled. 

Kaoru walked over and leaned on the counter. He grabbed an apple and took a bite.

"Hey," He chewed. Hikaru grinned and took an apple for himself.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," She scolded him. He rolled his eyes and swallowed dramatically.

"So listen, we have something we want to do today." Hikaru said.

"We'll need a few hours for ourselves." Kaoru finished. 

Haruhi looked a bit suprised. She hadn't expected the twins would go out by themselves, but honestly she couldn't blame them. Everyone needed time alone. 

"O-okay, yeah..." She tried to act like it was no big deal, but she really wanted to spend time with them for some reason. They both smiled cheekily and ran a hand through their hair.

"Thanks!" Kaoru said. Hikaru nodded. She blushed a bit and smiled as well.

"No problem," She said.


The twins had put on their coats and scarves and walked outside. They never wanted anyone to notice them, so they tried to block out their faces. (Picture on the side)

They didn't speak at all on the walk over to the store, but once they got there, they immediatley turned back around. They saw a dark haired boy with glasses leaning over one of the glass display cases.

Kyouya Ootori.

"What should we do?" Hikaru hissed, looking at his brother. Kaoru was panicking.

"I don't know!" He snapped, throwing up his hands. 

"We should just go in and act like normal customers... He can't do anything to us then." Hikaru took a deep breath. Kaoru nodded reluctantly and followed him on the walk back in. It was probably the most awkward moment in their entire lives. It was total silence, but every now and then someone would turn around and they would make eye contact. 

"Well, I didn't expect to see you two here," Kyouya said something. The twins winced and froze where they were. 

"All we want to do is pick out a book," Kaoru whispered. 

"Oh, I just wanted to tell you something." He said defensivley. "The other day I sent Tamaki to check up on the two of you. I figured out that Miss Haruhi Fujioka has been living with you. She is a friend of mine, and I think that she still has a chance of making it out of your mess without getting hurt."

Hikaru stood up straight and clenched his fists. Kaoru hunched over a bit more and grit his teeth to keep from yelling at him.

"I want you to tell her to leave your house. She can live with Tamaki." He smirked a little and maintained his smooth tone of voice.

"What do you have to gain?" Kaoru snapped quietly. Hikaru turned around a little.

"And what do you mean when you say that she's your friend?" He asked, hurt. Kyouya pushed his glasses up onto his nose.

"That's all I'll say for now. But don't be to upset if she leaves you soon." He finished, grabbing his bag and walking out of the shop, leaving two confused twins behind.


It's been so long! I finally have a chapter up! Woohoo! I'm really sorry about how short it is, though. I'm going to try to do more daily updates.

One of Us (Hitachiin Twins)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu