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"Haruhi! Where is Kimi's food?" Hikaru called to her from the kitchen. Haruhi popped her head out of the living room and sighed.

"The cabinet, as always," She pointed to the wooden cabinet on the far left of the kitchen.

Hikaru thanked her and hoisted his baby girl up onto his hip as he reached for the handle. Once he had grabbed the food, he set her down in the baby chair and began making weird faces so that she would eat something. Her tufts of dark hair were sticking up straight, and bobbed up and down whenever she tried to get the spoon in her mouth. Hikaru looked in to her golden eyes and stuck his tounge out, making her laugh. She had a few little teeth in there.

"Hey baby, Kaoru's here!" Haruhi cheered, running into the kitchen excitedly. She put her hand on Hikaru's, trying to help him get at least some food in to Kimi's mouth. Their matching wedding bands clinked together, and Haruhi smiled when she noticed Hikaru was completley focused on feeding their daughter.

"Guys, a little help!" Kaoru smashed the door open and asisted his wife, Anna, inside the house. Anna was eight months pregnant with their first child, and Kaoru was a teensie bit anxious.

As soon as Kimi saw Kaoru, she started clapping her itty bitty hands together and making gurgling noises. Haruhi ran over to Anna and started asking her all about the baby and how she was doing.

"Kaoru! Can't you see that I'm trying to learn how to feed this thing?" Hikaru scolded, pointing at Kimi. Kaoru stuck out his tounge and scooped up the little girl. She screamed with joy as he "flew" her around the kitchen. Hikaru just wanted to go to sleep.

After that first year of high school, things had gone a lot better for the Hitachiin Twins. Tamaki and Kyouya had kept their promise, and had introduced them as "their friends" the next year. The first few weeks were almost magical for them, because they had never had as many friends before then.

Kaoru had met Anna in Cafe, the resteraunt Haruhi used to work at. They had actually despised each other for months, until a mix up happened and they ended up making out after school one day. They had been together ever since.

As for Hikaru and Haruhi, they had gotten married right after college and then had two miscarriges before their first daughter, Kimi. They had bought a small house right next to Kaoru and Anna's, and visited with them every day.

"Do you like me better than your dad?" Kaoru asked in a baby voice.

"No, now give her back to me! No boys until she's thirty-five!" Hikaru yelled, trying to grab her from him. Kaoru spun her around and avoided passing her to him, and soon the brothers were in a full-fleged baby war. Haruhi, who was exhausted, hungry, and pissed, whipped around and saw what was going on.

"You both lost her for the time being! Go think about what you did!" She scolded, plucking Kimi away from Kaoru and turning back to Anna.

Hikaru pouted. Kaoru sighed.

"When you have a kid, I'm gonna do that exact same thing to you so that you're wife will get mad." Hikaru muttered. Kaoru looked horrified.

"Please don't! Anna will bite my head off!" He panicked. Anna death stared him.

"What was that?" She snapped.

"Nothing, dearest..." Kaoru trailed off. Hikaru hid a laugh by covering his mouth with his hand.

A month later, Kaoru had a newborn son, Haruhi was pregnant again, and life was perfect.

"You know, it's not easy becoming one of us," Hikaru kissed Haruhi on the forehead. "But you passed with flying colors."




Tell me what you think! It's over. :( This is actually really sad.

Thank you for reading!

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