One of Us 23

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What she saw before her was something so horrifying it almost made her cry.

Staring at her was two bloodthirsty twins holding the notebooks she had stolen. Their eyes were ignited with rage, and Haruhi was too moritifed to even move.

"Oh, Haruhi," Hikaru hissed, almost too angry to speak, "care to explain why OUR journals were under YOUR bed?!"

Kaoru walked over to her, his entire body shaking and livid. He shoved the warning note Tamaki had given her into one hand and death glared up at her.

"A letter adressed to you from Tamaki Suoh?" He spat. 


She was screwed.




Haruhi couldn't even think of one good excuse to use when they whipped out the notebooks.

They scared her half to death.

Kaoru was shaking he was so angry, and Hikaru couldn't even make out words. The reason they were in her room in the first place was to find a good place to put her jacket, the one that Kaoru had stolen before her date with Hikaru. Hikaru had noticed something sticking out from under her bed, and so when he went to look, all of her secrets were revealed. Kaoru was the one who found Tamaki's note.

"Tell us!" Hikaru yelled, throwing the books of the ground. Haruhi just began stammering. Kaoru began shredding up the note. 

"We thought that we could trust you!" He sethed, gritting his teeth, " You were the one who gave us hope-- but really you were on their side after all!"

"No, it's really not like th--"

"It's not like that Haruhi?!" Hikaru inturrupted, on the verge of tears, "Is it not like that? Really?! Because you're a pretty good liar. You had us fooled."

"So what's the big practical joke this time? Are we being filmed right now or something?! I bet Tamaki and Kyouya really love this right now, huh? Watching us hurt again!" Kaoru shrieked, collapsing on the bed and shoving his hands over his face. Hikaru nodded and crossed his arms. Haruhi decided it was time to talk.

"I will explain everything right now, okay?" She asked nervously. "On the first day of school I met this guy named Tamaki Suoh. I had no idea he was the chairmans son, because I was so new to the area. We became friends, but then he warned me about you two. I didn't want you guys getting hurt so I told him I didn't know you. I thought it would protect you. Kyouya I met later on that day. He was the same as Tamaki, except he knew a lot more about my situation." She paused and looked at the brothers, who were trying their best to stay angry but slowly calming down. "It was very wrong of me not to tell you about them. I have no good excuse for the journals. At all. I was curious and so I took them and read about why you were being treated the way you were. I was dishonest and you have a right to be angry." She finished and backed away a little. Hikaru took a deep breath.

"I want to believe you," He whimpered, "but it's hard to trust you after you lied to us,"

Kaoru nodded.

"Tell us where you went today," He sugessted. Haruhi nodded. No more lies.

"I went to Tamaki's house. I told him about where I was staying. I told him what great people you were, and that he should be trying to help instead of make things worse." She admitted.

"You actually confronted Tamaki Suoh and asked him to help US?" Hikaru asked. Haruhi nodded. He shook his head and sighed.

"I am sorry about exploding back there," Kaoru apologized.

"I believe everything you said." Hikaru admitted, laughing to himself about how easy he was to forgive her.

Haruhi allowed the tears to fall down her cheeks as she dropped down to her knees, holding the door frame for support. 

"W-what?" Kaoru asked, rushing over. She was crying so hard that she couldn't make out words. Instead, she grabbed his shirt and pulled him down so that she was hugging him hard. Kaoru was too shocked to say anything, so he just held her back. Hikaru smiled and watched them, but then Haruhi reached out an arm for him to join in. And so he did.

Haruhi gasped through the tears to get air. 

"I was scared to tell you," She choked out, pulling the two of them closer. They held her tighter.

"It's okay," They whispered, "nobody has ever tried this hard before to get this close to us," 

She let out a muffled laugh and continued to sob. She had never cried this much since the accident, and even then she was a little girl so it didn't really count. They had forgiven her. 

This was the family she wanted.




So I was listening to "Little Wonders" from the "Meet the Robinsons" soundtrack when I was writing this chapter, and I litterally had the Ouran feels SO BAD. I was sobbing. Listen to that song whenever you read this chapter and you will die. I made a music video in my head. Is that sad?

One of Us (Hitachiin Twins)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя