One of Us 13

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"I'm sorry Miss Haruhi. But this school body read what they read. We can't take the twins' excuses." He said. He didn't sound mad or upset with her, but she could tell that he was looking down on her.

"You don't even know them," she muttered under her breath.

Kyouya smiled again and patted her on the top of her head.

"I am not going to give up on you, Haruhi. I will be your friend. But I'm not going to put up with all of this twin nonsense everytime we meet." He said. Then, he turned around and walked away, just as fast and unexpected as when he appeared.


"Hikaru, what did you get for number eleven?" Kaoru asked, pointing to the complicated equation in his math textbook. Hikaru looked over his shoulder at the problem and then turned back to his notebook to check his answer.

"I got negative two point three repeating. But that's probably wrong." He sighed. Kaoru shook his head.

"No, that's what I got, too." He agreed. He closed the textbook and rubbed his forehead.

The twins were doing homework in the deserted music room three for free period. They had always hung out there whenever they had a free class or something like that. Nobody ever came around there, so it was basically like their secret hideout.

"Can we be done with math? I don't want to do the other five pages." Kaoru groaned, tossing his notebook across the room. Hikaru grinned and walked over to pick it up.

"We don't need to do the other five pages. We just need to do five more problems, okay?" He shoved it back into his hands. Kaoru rolled his eyes and slumped back onto the couch he was sitting on. Music room three might have been deserted, but it still had all of the throw rugs, chairs, couches, lamps, tables, and pillows that it came with. It even had supplies to prepare tea. It wasn't your normal music room.

Hikaru opened up their textbook and began to read off the next problem, but was interrupted by the door opening. Kaoru yelped and fell off of the couch, and Hikaru hid behind his chair.

"Hello?" They heard a familiar voice say. Kaoru face palmed and stood up.

"Why do you always find us wherever we go?" He asked. Haruhi smiled a little and stepped further into the room. She shut the door.

"I didn't know you two were in here. I was just looking for a quiet place to study."

Hikaru stood up and smiled a little. He scratched his neck and picked up the textbook he had dropped.

"Yeah, that's why we're here, too." He said.

Haruhi sat down on one of the chairs and pulled out her books.

"I hope you don't mind if I stay," she turned to face them, "because I don't have anywhere else to go."

Kaoru shrugged.

"I guess you can, but keep quiet about it." He told her. Hikaru nodded in agreement.

Haruhi was about to say that her only friends were a year ahead of her, and didn't really care one way or another about where she went during free period, but then realized that Tamaki and Kyouya weren't the types of people the twins wanted her to be hanging out with.

"I won't," she promised, "I wouldn't have anyone to tell. Nobody talks to me, anyways."

She regretted saying the last part when she saw the their reactions. Both of their faces fell and she could tell that they felt guilty of depriving her of friends.

Haruhi tried to say something else to make them feel better, but all she ended up doing was just opening and closing her mouth.

"Haruhi, you don't need to hang out with us to make us feel better. You do know we are the reasons that nobody wants to hang out with you." Hikaru said softly.

One of Us (Hitachiin Twins)Where stories live. Discover now