Chapter 4: Closer

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(A/N) I would require playing the song "Closer by the Chainsmokers" while reading this story It depends if you want to listen to the song or you could just listen to your preffered songs

Enjoy my loves


After the fight between the jocks (Started by stupid Richard and his minion Greg who he doesn't even care about -.-) I brought Nick home whilst the others get suspended and probably already know who. The teachers didn't refrain from giving warnings to Nick. Luke and Bell on the other hand is suspended with the others who fought, Luke and Bell tried to reason with the principal but he didn't listen.

I called our driver so that I could take Nick home. I don't really know much about him so I guess this is my chnace to get to know him better. We will be together in the same house for a while anyway so why not get to know him now? I mean I dont even know, he could be a serial killer and hypnotized my parents so he could rape then kill me. Then he steal all of stuff so he could sell everything to get a fortune.

Finally we got home, I took some Icepack to help with his bruise, I took bandages and alcohol to help with his cuts.

"I'm sorry for Richard" I said to him with a sad face as I place the icepack on his cheeks

"What a dickhead" Nick said annoyed

"He is" I giggle

"Not funny." He said seriously

"Sorry.." I said as I put alcohol on his cuts, he groans as it stings him

"Leave me alone." He said as I put bandages over his cuts

"Right after I help you" I said as I give him a glass of water

"I have hands, I dont need your help" He said as he rejects my offer of water

"If you insist asshole" I was really pissed of at him so I stood up, slapped him and turned around

"Slut" He said as he slaps my bum

"I am not a slut dickhead! Touch my ass again and your done for bitch!" I turned around and snapped at him

"Whatever you say pumpkin" He said not even caring

"Do not call me 'pumpkin' asswipe!" I said furiously

"But I like it pumpkin"

"I HATE YOU!" I shouted at him

"I love you too" he said while blowing me a kisd

Great way to making friends with the guy. Who am I kidding?! Why did I even wanted to be friends with him in the first place anyway? He's annoying, stubborn, doesn't care about anyone else but himself, not trustworthy and most of all a player!

I ran up to my bedroom as fast as I can to ring my mom so I could ask how long they'll be gone for 'cause I cannot stay with this bitch for anylonger. I WOULD FREAKING DIE!

"Hello?" I said to my mom on the phone

"What is it sweetie?" She asks nicely

"When will you come back?" I asked her calmly

"In 2 weeks hun, why?" She asks softly

"Because I cannot stand Nick!" I told her frustrated

"Give him time darling, he isn't exactly like Luke and Bellamy" She informs me

"Thanks for stating the obvious mom" I said sarcasticaly

"Youre probably annoying him as much as he's annoying you sweetheart" She laughs

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