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April 2009
during the filming of New Moon

"CUT!!!" Chris the director yelled from behind the camera. Kristen and Robert parted their lips and pull themselves from each other. "okay.. its all wrapped for today guys! great job for you all" chris yelled once again and welcomed by the cheers and claps from all the crews and talents. "Great job" rob said to kristen "yeah.. you too" she answered with a sheepish smile on her face.

"Kristen.. today its your birthday isn't it?" Chris walks toward kristen. "hmm.. birthday? as bella? yeah.." she answered doubtfully. "No.. no... your birthday kristen. Come on.. no hide" Chris smile teasingly as rob and some of the crew waiting for her answer. "well um.. yeah. today is my birthday actually" she let out a giggled.

"Happy birthday kristen!!" the crews cheered for her and start to congratulate and give her a hug alternately. "thanks guys.. thank you.. thank you so much" she answered every single wishes that given to her with a smile on her face. Her cheek blushed a little because she's really shy. Rob walks toward her and raise his hand for a hand shake.

"happy birthday girl" he said and then hug her. "thanks dude" "wishing you the happiness in your life" he added again. "thanks.. same for you" "i cant believe you're still 19. You're so young kris" "maybe you're the one that's too old" she said to him with a chuckle. "yeah.. maybe you're right" rob said as he winked at her made her shy even more. "i'll see you around kris" "yeah sure.." he then walk away from her to his trailer.

Inside his trailer, he walks to his backpack and dive his hand looking for something, he then took it out from his bag. A little suede black box. He opened it and a brown and black leather bracelet appear from inside it. Its really simple bracelet with a little infinity charm hanging on it. He run his finger to the bracelet.

"should i really give this to her??" he muttered to himself. "it'll probably too much" he shook his head. "you're such a coward robert" he muttered once again.


he put down the box and walk toward the door. "coming.." he said as he open his door knob. There she is, the one that always make his heart flutter when the director yelled 'cut'.

"hey.. whats up?" he said as he run his hand through his hair. "hey.. sorry.. if i bother you" she said tucking her hair behind his ear. "who said that? come on, come in" he welcomed her inside his trailer.

She sat down on the chair and cleared her throat before speak up. "hmm.. im going downtown tonight. With some of my friends.. and.. umm... i wonder if.. you want to join with me?" she said doubtfully. His body tense as he heard her asking him out tonight. His mouth left open but still, there's no word that come out from his mouth.

"Its just a little celebration for my birthday, and beside.. i haven't catch up with them since this filming started" she added. "hmmm.. I-umm" he stuttered. "It's okay if you dont want to or if you uncomfortable" " its not like that" he cut her hurriedly. "would it be okay for your friends? if i join you?" he asked again. "of course.. why wouldn't they?" she chuckled and so does he. "i dont know.. just want to make sure i guess" he said again. "So?? are you coming with me?" she asked once again. "hmm when i should be ready?" he smile to her and make her smile grow wider. "7pm. I'll wait you in my car, okay?" "sure.."

"ok.. i guess i should leave" she said to him but her eyes stare into something else. He noticed her and look toward her gaze. Its the little box that she's looking at. "damn!! why i put it in there? I should've put it in the drawer" he muttered in his mind. "Hmm.." rob walks to block her gaze. "everything okay kris?" he asked her and she quickly move her gaze to him. "oh.. yeah.. i'll see you later rob" she gives him a little smile as she get up and walk out the door.

another robsten story - oneshotDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora