Chapter 2: Telling

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*Emma POV*

Emma cracked open her eyes to the sound of Lou.

"Everyone up!" She did the Woodchuck salute and started shaking everyone in bed. 

"Come on, Tiffany! Let's go Emma. Meeting. And Zuri, please get up."

"Uurgh." Zuri waved Lou away. "Come back later." 

Lou crossed her arms. "How much later?" 

"I'll tell you tomorrow..." 

Emma rose from her bed and yawned. "Lou's right. We've got work to do. Everyone up." Emma looked at Lou. "Meeting in the mess hall?"

Lou nodded. "Yup, all the counselors and CIT's are gonna be there. Even Xander. So get out of your pj's and let's go."

Emma grabbed her clothes and went into the bathroom to change. When she was done, she came out to see Lou already dressed. 

Emma's eyes widened. "How did you-? Never mind, let's go."

*Zuri POV*

Zuri finally lugged herself from her bed. She rubbed her eyes. Tiffany was already dressed and was practicing her violin. 

"It's getting better. Keep it up." Zuri smiled aimlessly and walked towards the bathroom. Tiffany stopped playing. 

"Are you okay, Zuri? You're being...nice."

Without turning around, she nods and giggles. "Yeah, I'm fine. Life's fine. Isn't life worth living?"

Tiffany lays her violin on her bed and feels Zuri's forehead. "Okay you're sick. Let's go to the nurse."

"No!" Zuri backs away quickly. Tiffany seems taken back. Zuri panics and says, "I'm just tired."

Tiffany doesn't look like she believes her, but she sighs. "All right...but don't do anything weird."

 Zuri rolls her eyes and grins. "I'll try not to."

Tiffany heads outside when Zuri yells, "Wait!"

Tiffany turns and looks at Zuri in surprise. 

*Tiffany POV*

Tiffany could see Zuri's exasperation in her face. Her eyes seemed like they were in a fantasy world, and she had no intention to leave. 

"Something's wrong," Tiffany announced. She walked towards Zuri and sat beside her on her bed. "What's going on?"

Zuri opened her mouth, but no sound came out. Tiffany had a feeling she was gonna be here for a while. 

*Xander POV*

Xander watched as Jorge got up from his bed and head towards the bathroom. Ravi watched as well. They both looked at Griff. "You don't need to use the bathroom today, do you?" Xander asked. "Cause Jorge's going in and yesterday was burrito night."

Griff shook his head. "Nah, went in at 5:40. I'm safe. How about you?"

Xander nodded. "Me and Ravi took turns around 4:58." 

A crashing sound came from the bathroom. Ravi looked at Griff and Xander. "We should head out. Like, now."

The three boys sprinted outside of the cabin. As they panted, Xander murmured, "I got a meeting. Come on, Ravi."

"Coming. Let me just stretch my muscles."

Griff snorted. "What muscles?"

Ravi glares at him and followed Xander to the mess hall.

*Griff POV*

Griff watched as his bunkmates went into the cafeteria and turned around to a voice behind him. "Hey."

Griff jumped and saw Tiffany staring at him.

He narrowed his eyebrows suspiciously. "Heeey..."

"Well, um, I just wanted to say" Tiffany turned and sprinted back to the Woodchuck cabin.

Griff wanted to ask her what that was about. But he restrained himself and headed towards the climbing wall.

*Zuri POV*

Zuri turned immediately when Tiffany returned. She sprang up and glared at her.

"I can't believe you told him! Besides, I told you I wasn't sure!"

Tiffany waved her hand away. "Relax, I didn't tell him."

Zuri's eyes widened. "Why?"

Tiffany shrugged. "I guess I felt bad."

Zuri had a feeling she was holding something back. That's when she thought:

Should I have just kept my mouth shut?...

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