Chapter 6: S.M.A.R.T.- Stupid Morons At Romantic Talking

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*Zuri POV*

Zuri doesn't know how to react to a cute boy walking up to her in front of her friends (even though Tiffany knows already). The moment she saw him head towards her table, she panicked and did anything but look in Griff's direction. She picked her food more than ever. He was coming closer and closer and soon......

He was at her table. He stood between Emma and Lou, clearly trying not to get too close to her. He snuck a few glances. Then Lou broke that 5 second awkward silence. 

"Hey Griff, what's up? What brings you to the Woodchucks?"

 *Griff POV*

He felt as though he had been put on the spot. After all, it's not like he can say oh yeah I'm here because I totally have a crush on Zuri. 

"Just wanted to talk. And stuff."

Emma spread her hands. "'Bout what?"

"You know. Stuff."

*Emma POV*

Emma saw the way Griff looked at Zuri. He had a twinkle in his eyes and Zuri had never been this quiet. Ever.

Emma smiled and died to start teasing Zuri but she knew that was for another time. Instead, she had to get them alone.  

Emma looked at her wrist and said, "Well, look at the time, looks like Lou and I have to go do stuff."

Lou frowned. "No we don't."

Emma got up and grabbed her wrist and said, "Yes. We. Do." She then hauled her away from the table and with her other hand, she grabbed Tiffany's arm. 

"Hey! But I didn't finish my food!" 

Emma snorted. "You're complaining?"

Tiffany became still as she pondered this. "True."

Emma rolled her eyes and said, "Come on, we're late."

Tiffany frowned. "But you don't even have a wat-"


Emma dragged her two friends to the Woodchuck cabin and shut the door. 

Lou rubbed her wrist. "Now what was THAT about?"

Emma grinned a happy grin...

Bunk'd: Griff And ZuriDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora