Chapter 4: Planning

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*Griff POV*

Griff panicked and felt himself getting sweaty but then he realized that she was talking about helping the Bunny Cabin. 

"Oh. Well, we could... um..."

Only two minutes have passed and Griff was already tongue tied. He could feel himself blushing so he panicked and said, "Come on, let's go to the Bunny Cabin and see how they act so that we have an advantage. And stuff." He turned immediately and walked towards the cabin and held his head down. 

*Zuri POV*

As Griff walked off, she felt thoughts flood her brain. She started to follow him. 

What if he knows why she wore a nice outfit. What if he has the suspicion that Zuri has tiny feelings for him? Then, he walked away freaked out at that idea? Zuri felt like barfing. 

She and him spent the entire time spying on the Bunnies and began helping them with capture the flag. As they walked to the field, Griff seemed more comfortable because he whispered in her ear, "I'm not sure it's safe to teach a violent game to violent kids."

Zuri smirked. "That's why we're the ones doing it." 

Two hours passed, and Zuri's team, Team Savage, had beaten Griff's team, The Destroyers, 10 to 9. Team Savage, the girl team, screamed in victory while the boys pouted. Even Griff. 

After they sent the kids back to Bunny Cabin, Griff laughed and said, "That was actually fun. I'm surprised the boys didn't jump me after losing."

Zuri giggled. "I'm surprised too."

Griff gave her a cute smile and murmured, "We make a good team..." 

*Griff POV*

Griff found himself staring at Zuri and about 2 seconds later, he realized what he had said. He felt his face burn and he watched Zuri turn a little red too. 

"Wha- what I... I didn't mean...I mean...I wasn't serious... I mean I was, but..." 

Griff was choking on his words. He felt himself turn redder than ever. "I... look Zuri... I need to tell you something..."

*Zuri POV*

Zuri felt her heart lift. She leaned forward. "What is it Griff?" 

Griff opened his mouth and seemed to have trouble speaking. "I... I li-"

"Griff! Zuri! How's it going?" 

Zuri whirled around and was facing Tiffany, who wore a huge smile on her face. 

Griff looked like he wanted to punch her but he sighed and said, "We'll talk later, okay Zuri?" 

"Of course. Bye."


Griff headed back to Grizzly Cabin with his head drooping. When he disappeared behind the door, Zuri glared at Tiffany and said, "Why did you do that? Griff was about to ask me something!" 

Tiffany waved her hand. "I'm sure he'll tell you later." She then headed to Woodchuck Cabin. 

"Wait." Zuri was suspicious. "All you did was to come and say hi?"

"Yep." Tiffany closed the door behind her. 

Zuri glared at where Tiffany once was. "Then why did you ask how we were doing when you didn't care at all?"

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