Chapter 8: Jealous Or Happy?

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*Emma POV*

Emma grinned at Lou and Tiffany. "I think Griff and Zuri like each other."

Lou's eyes widened and her face broke into a huge gaping smile. "Well I'll be..."

Tiffany crossed her arms suspiciously. "Are you sure?"

Emma nodded furiously. "Yes, and I think it's adorable."

Lou nodded too. "It certainly is."

*Tiffany POV*

Tiffany wasn't sure what she felt. She had been attracted to Griff since the beginning. Now, she wasn't sure what to feel. She was happy for Zuri for finding someone, but also sad that she couldn't have gotten Griff herself. So, she decided to play it cool for now. 

"Yeah. They're real cute... "

Emma grinned even wider and rubbed her hands together. "I can't wait to rub this in Zuri's face..." 

Tiffany forced a smile. "Yeah. Me neither..."


Sorry guys that this was so short. I'll make the other one longer, I promise. 


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