Chapter 5: Why Am I Being Ignored?! Part 2

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*Zuri POV* 

"Hey Zuri!"

Zuri turned to see Griff waving at her. His white smile lit her heart and his brown eyes soothed her soul. She felt her mouth starting to hang open, but then she forced it to close. Her heart banged in her chest. Her palms actually grew sweaty, which was disgusting her. Then, she knew what she had to do. She turned around and walked away. Her feet speed walked and there was no second thoughts. She headed towards Emma and Lou at the cafeteria. 

*Griff POV*

Griff felt like an idiot having to try and recover from a simple: hey-what's-up? rejection. He felt his heart ache. He had never felt more hurt. Was it because she had hinted what I was going to say to her after we had helped with the Bunny Cabin?  Griff swallowed. He entered the cafeteria to see Zuri talking to her bunkmates from Woodchuck Cabin. He watched as she picked at her food, flicking and playing with the pieces on her plate. It was obvious that something was on her mind. Or maybe she was disgusted by the camp food. Either way, Griff didn't blame her. Her caramel curly hair bounced as she laughed at the occasional joke from Lou. Her pearly and perfect white smile was like another source of light for those at the mess hall. The way she flipped her hair back made him grin. The way she tapped her fingers to the rhythm of a song she had stuck in her head made him laugh. Then, he heard a chuckle behind him. 

"Hey man, you should probably close your mouth before you attract flies."

"AAAAAGH!!!" Griff tripped on a piece of food on the floor and hit his head as he fell. "Ow."

Xander's smug smile slid into a concerned look. "Whoa, dude, are you okay?" 

Griff groaned. "Why does this keep happening to me?"

"What? Getting caught staring at Zuri again?"

Griff sprang up and gave Xander the stink-eye. "How did you-?"



Griff felt like punching him. But he restrained himself. Then he saw Ravi and lunged at him and grabbed him by his shirt collar (Wow that's dorky...). 

"You told Xander?!"

Ravi gave him a nervous laugh. "Look, you all know very well I'm all about the gossip..."

Xander did a he's-right shrug in the background. 


"Look, I'm sorry. But I felt that Xander should know. Besides, we didn't tell anyone else." 

Griff sighed with relief. "Thank goodness..."

Ravi choked a bit. "Um...could you let go of me now?"

Griff smiled. "Ooops. Sorry man." Griff let go of Ravi and he let out a huge breath. He gave Griff a cross between a scared but amused look and walked off to the Grizzly Cabin table. 

Griff looked at Zuri. He sighed. He then felt a pat on the shoulder from Xander. "Just go talk to her."

Griff watched as Zuri snuck a glance towards his way. When they locked eyes, Griff remembers watching these movies that the two lovers always look away in embarrassment. But that's not what happened. They continued to look at each other and Griff felt his face turn red for like the hundredth time this week. But he felt better when he saw Zuri blush a bit as well. That's when they looked away. 

Griff looked at Xander, who was nodding in encouragement. He let out a deep breath, mustered all his courage, and headed towards his doom. 

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