6:19 AM

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         Hi! Before you begin reading, I just want you to know that I wrote this when dialogue stories were pretty big. So the first 19 parts of this are extremely short, and I plan to rewrite the first 19 or so parts and make this short story into a teen fiction story :) It's a goal of mine for 2021 because I already have a good layout for the story and actually think that it's possible to expand this story a lot. I came back after four years (stopped writing in 2016) because I was passionate about the story again and here I am now. 

         If you want to deal with the 2016 cringe, read ahead. But I promise the writing gets better after those 19 parts.  After part 19, the parts get pretty lengthy. And people are still enjoying it, so it's completely up to you as a reader! I'll take this message down once the story is edited, and also leave that note in the description of this story in case you want to read it later. Wattpad is also not the same, which sucks, so I might rewrite it for myself and complete it fully just for the sake of having my own personal manuscript. Who knows? This message was written on January 8th, 2021. 

SAGE & VERA: current dialogue > teen fiction story. 



Vera hugged herself, the warmth from her sweater helping her ignore the autumn wind. Her feet dangled from off the roof of her apartment building, a small smile on her face as she watched the sunrise. She didn't flinch at the sound of a door opening and closing and didn't turn her head at the boy who now stood next to her.

Why are you up here?

❝Why are you?❞

Isn't it obvious? I want to jump.


My life is shit.


It just is, okay?

❝That doesn't make any sense.❞

That's why I want to die.

She glanced down at the street. ❝That's a long way down, you know.❞

He snorted. ❝Thanks. Looks like I missed that.

❝No problem, roof boy. I'm a very helpful person.❞


❝So...are you going to jump still?❞

...Are you trying to stop me?

❝Yes and No. If you jump, I will scream. And then cry. And then vomit when your body hits the ground.❞


❝Hey, don't do it. Don't you have school in like two hours? You need an education. I hear in the afterlife, school is a million times harder.❞

...That's bullshit.

❝...Fine. Yeah, that's a joke. But I'm trying, aren't I?❞

I don't want you to try. I just want you to let me jump.

❝Why? If I don't try, I will feel guilty forever. In life, if you don't try, you will get nowhere. In life, when something pushes you down, you need to get your ass right back up and don't stop trying until you get it right. If I don't try to stop you right now, it will just let you feel like no one tried to stop you. No one cared for you. I can be a complete stranger but I'm not letting you jump off this roof while I'm up here.❞

She felt his eyes on her. ❝... Tomorrow, then?

She shook her head. ❝I'm here every day. So good luck with that.❞

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