9:02 PM

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Vera hummed along with the music that sang in her ears, her shoulders and her head moving to the beat of the song. Above her, the dark blue and coal-black sky swirled together and danced along with the bright balls of light the world called stars to create the night once again.

Below her, people were too busy with their lives to look up to see the young sixteen-year-old fearlessly sitting on the ledge of a roof. Not that they could see her, anyway. She was too high up.

However, behind her, Sage couldn't stop his smile. ❝You weren't kidding when you said you're here every single day.

❝Got that right!❞ she turned and grinned at him. ❝Welcome back, hotness!❞

You can hear me?

❝The song just finished. Don't be a skeptic, Sage. I didn't hear you admit your undying love for me.❞

Say something more original next time instead of trite sayings.

Oh? The boy has a vocabulary?❞

... Is that a bad thing?

❝No, you're a package deal. Hot and smart. Just kiss me already.❞

You're insane.

❝A good insane, right?❞

Yes. A very good insane.



❝So...you're not going to kiss me?❞


❝... You're no fun.❞


❝You'll remember this, Sage. You had the chance to kiss me and you didn't take it. Everyone always regrets the opportunities they didn't accept.❞

... Did you steal that from Tumblr?

❝... Don't talk poorly of my advice! What's wrong with you?!❞

... You're a fraud.

❝I made Tumblr. All those quotes? I wrote those.❞

Yeah, sure.


... Okay.

❝You're so mean to me, hotness.❞

I like roof boy better.

❝I don't care, Sage-the-super-hot-boy-that-didn't-kiss-me.❞

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