Chapter 6 - Just another Chapter

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I'm on a run... I guess. ;-)

But I have to admit: I'm lacking creativity if it's coming to headlines...


While Nathan walked his mate home, he tried again to explain to Timmy why they had to stay under the surface. It turns out that his mate had quite a stubborn streak. “My mom told me there is nothing to feel ashamed being gay.” Timmy insisted. “And mom is right. I know it.” Nathan sighed. “Timmy, please. It’s not that I am ashamed anymore.” he answered and heard just a light snicker from his wolf. “Oh shut up, will you please?” he scolded. “But, Timmy, it’s dangerous. I can’t risk you. We have to solve the problems in the pack first.”

Timmy looked at him, his eyebrows furrowed and his nose scrunched. Nathan hissed: “Don’t you dare and gush again, Nate.” he felt his wolf pout, but thankfully he kept silent. Nathan tried it again. “Timmy, it’s just a matter of time. I need to learn how to stand them, to stay open now will alert Alpha and Luna, after I rejected you that much. And like I told you: I don’t want to put you in the line of fire when I’m not able to protect you.” Timmy stopped and looked at him sadly. “But I’m so proud to have a mate. I want to show that you belong to me. Aren’t you proud of me? I don’t care if it’s dangerous. I don’t want to hide.”

Nathan sighed again. He cradled the smaller man in his arms and pleaded: “Timmy, just a little bit? I promise I learn as fast as I could. Please?” He felt Nate stir up and then suddenly his wolf showed Buddy and Timmy the true feelings of both. The deep fear to lose something precious. The worry and the mixture of emotions Nathan didn’t had a chance to develop to their fullest. And then both their mates understood. Timmy’s eyes went big. “That’s how you feel?” Nathan just nodded.

His face buried in Nathans chest he took a deep breathe and said: “OK.” Nothing more. It wasn’t necessary.

After awhile he looked up to his mate and said mischievously: “But you have to deal with the pack.” Nathan groaned. He forgot that. Well, he would cross the line right in time, yes? They still were pissed at him for rejecting his mate.

When they reached Timmys house Nathan waited until his mate entered the front door, announcing excitedly: “Moooom, I’m home”. Nate chuckled. “Keeping it a secret? Good luck with that.” Nathan shook his head. “Well. Let’s hope the best. And at least, if those vermins think I’m still ashamed of Timmy there’s a chance that they are just amused with my “antics” and don’t think more of it.” Nate agreed. “This might work. It's not like Alpha and Luna are the brightest stars at the sky.

When he was at home finally, he was beat. Deeply tired and happy to see his...bed? “Moom?” he yelled. “Yes, Darling?” the cheery voice of his mother came from down the stairs. He turned around. “Where are my comforters and my pillows?” His mother looked at him sternly. “They are in Timmys house. He needs your scent to stay calm.” Nathan looked at her disbelievingly. “They are what?” His mother nodded. “And just you know: No comforters as long as you still behave like an insensitive prick. Oh, and tomorrow you have an appointment with the pack counselor. It is not normal to reject a mate. Something is wrong with you and hopefully the shrink will fix it.” her voice let no space for discussion.

That being said she turned around and left him alone with his stripped bed and the appointment to a bloody shrink. He groaned. “Nate? Help?” Nate grinned. “And what do you think should I do?” he asked amused. “Well, it’s cold outside, it’s late fall and I have no comforters. How about changing into the wolf form?

The door opened and his father peeked around the corner. “Oh, Nate? Order of your mother: No changing into wolf form. No comforters. I have the feeling she wants to accelerate your persuasion. And, no son. You are completely alone with that. I’m not going against my mate.” With that he left the room.

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