Chapter 13 - Holy Shit

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Sorry for the little delay - times are pretty busy here. Somehow the year is almost over and Christmas is knocking at the door. I'm currently debating to nail the door closed.


The sweet scent of strong coffee wafted through the pack house, waking all inhabitants up due to their sensible noses. Most of them groaned tiredly. That night was anything but quiet.

Not only Alpha howled the whole night in pain until he stopped finally somewhat in the middle of the night. Other noises came from Alphas room, who was cleaned up hastily last night, so that Nathan and Timmy had a bed for themselves.

And seeing that one of the guest rooms was occupied by a freshly mated couple, one of them a former 2000 year old virgin, didn’t help at all.

The first pack guard, his name was Samuel, tapped sleepily into the kitchen where a happy smiling Timmy made breakfast. With hooded eyes he shuffled over to the countertop, not bothering with the ham and eggs, but taking a huge cup of coffee. He sniffed at the cup and his face lit up slightly. Timmy made a strong coffee.

He gazed hopefully at his young...Alpha? Luna? Oh, well, he will find out soon enough, Samuel decided. His brain wasn’t on full alert right now and it was far to exhausting to think this over.

He shuffled over to the table, sat down and placed his face at the surface on the table. Settling down and holding to his cup tightly. Timmy decided that they might need more coffee and set up the big pot, holding 2 gallons of water and fished two full packages of coffee out of the storage.

He waited patiently for the water to boil, seeing one after another pack guard shuffling in the kitchen, repeating Samuels actions, until all eight guards sat at the table, the last four without a coffee and whimpering pathetically because of the lack of caffeine. Finally the water was boiling and Timmy thought about the best way to brew the coffee.

Finally he thought: “Oh scratch. It’s not like they will realize what they drink in that state.” and he threw the content of both packages into the huge pot. He let the coffee simmer slightly and the intense scent of coffee woke the pack guards up enough, so they were able to lift their cups together at the same time, demanding some coffee.

Timmy clucked. “Aww...poor guys. Did you stay awake the whole night to guard the pack?” he asked innocently. Samuel lifted his head. “Not really. Actually we tried to sleep, but somehow our wolves were on full alert because somehow they thought that there was a mass slaughter in Alphas room.” Timmy blushed furiously, remembering the last night. “Ermm… I thought the room was soundproofed?” he asked agitated.

Another guard murmured sleepily. “I wish.” Samuel lifted his cup and said: “And don’t get me started with that Vampire and Ginny. Poor little girl. He really tried to made up for 2000 years of abstinence, didn’t he?” That statement followed a desperate groan from all guards, except one, who was snoring lightly.

Then suddenly Nathan came barreled into the kitchen, yelling: “What the heck is wrong here?” looking around frantically. The new Alpha looked funny, his hair dissheveld, looking like the skin of a hedgehog, only wearing his briefs. His whole body was covered with scratches and love bites.

Samuel looked at Timmy in disbelief, pointing with his thumb at Nathan. “You’ve got to be kidding?” he asked wide eyed. Timmy blushed even more, getting agitated. Did he do something wrong? “No, we didn’t. Something that pleasurable wouldn’t be wrong in any way.” Buddy chimed it, grinning smugly. “But why are they looking at us like that.” Buddy thought a brief moment, before answering. “It’s just them. They are just jealous. For sure.”

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