The Time Of Knowing

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I realized I was on the ground now, and my arms started to sting because the wolf's claws were cutting into my human disguise form skin. I looked into the wolf's eyes, the wolf's eyes looked neon green. I then examined the wolf, the pelt of the wolf was dark green and light green mixed together. I knew who this was, or who he was.

I got out of his grasp, and hugged him,  "Jack.." I quietly whispered. He rested his muzzle on my shoulder. "Shadow.. i'm sorry.." Jack replied, realizing it was infact, the real me. I realesed from the hug because Jack, was about to transform back into his human disguise form. He transformed, and he appeared taller than me because, he was older than me. His green poofy hair stuck out and he had a tear stained face. "Did they do anything to you?" I asked more worried about him than myself. "What does that matter!? Did they do anything to you?" He said looking worried. "No, No. Well not yet at least. We need to go and find uh.. do you know who Natemare is?" I asked pondering whether or not to tell him. "You mean the alter-ego of Nate? Like Anti? Or Dark? Well if yes, then yes." He said looking toward the door. "Indeed. Well we need to get out of here fast before anything else can happen. Let me go check the door." I said seriously while walking to the door. I turned the rusty door knob only to find..

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