The Ethernal Light

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I was confused as to how Dark knew my name...
Maybe Natemare? Or maybe Anti?
I didn't know.

I pushed a lock of hair behind my ear, as I gently set Dark onto the ground. I examined him, and noticed, even for a demon... He had gotten really hurt.
Besides being poisoned, he was super damaged.

Could he have faught Danny?
...If Anti and Dark were both hurt, I couldn't imagine what happened to Natemare... Was Natemare even here?
...Why were Dark and Anti here?

So many questions were on my mind, but I knew I had to take care of Anti and Dark first.

Just when I had thought that Anti was severely wounded, Anti came bursting through the door into the room.

'So much for a lock...' I thought and laughed inside. I looked at the crazy Anti running to our sides as many emotions were shown on my face.

One was me wanting to run and hide, the other was curious to see what Anti was going to do or what he was planning...
Could he be running from something?
I hope not, because Dark is really hurt...

Anti bent down toward Dark when he reached us. I noticed that Anti was completely healed...
Could that be from demon healing? I mean, it wasn't instant, but it did make healing super effective.

I also noticed that Anti was blushing when he approached Dark, which made me fangirl inside.

'Ahh, I ship it!!' Calm down mind, we have more important matters than shipping right now. 'More important than shipping? Danti? I don't think so.' My mind disagreed.

'DO YOU WANT THEM TO DIE?' I finally spoke up to the voice in my head. The voice quieted after my scold.

"What happened to Dark!?" Anti basically screamed. I had unconsciously covered my ears as Anti spoke.

"I healed him, then he collapsed. He's pretty weak... Also, one question: How do you guys know me?" I asked Anti and Dark who was weak.

"Welllll," Anti began, but Dark took over to make the explanation accurate.

"Natemare made us team up with him to save you. He was super worried, and from looking at the people that took you... He should've been. They have a dark aura. They are super strong!" Dark weakly shouted, but began coughing straight afterwards.

"Dark, try not to speak loudly. It will only cause you more harm," I instructed.

"....But, you're right. So, how did you guys get hurt?" I asked.

"I'm going to explain this time..." Anti glared at Dark. "The people who took you found out that we were about to save you, we faught them, let's just say they were super over powered, we blacked out, and that's when something else took control of our bodies..." Anti quieted down. He looked down...

I then saw that Dark had fully healed, and he was now sitting up. Anti looked at Dark, and both of their moods lit up at the sight that they were both healed.

I sighed.
"The people you ran in to... They are my enemies..." I grabbed my left arm and began to scratch myself nervously. "...There's a great darkness out there. It's called poison. My enemies, they came into my life, we were friends, then they were poisoned and they got taken away from me... I didn't know how to save them, heck, I didn't even know what poison was... It was too late when I found out. They were way too consumed... I felt so bad... It was my fault that they got poisoned, and it's my fault that they can't be saved."

I began to cry.
Memories embedded into my mind began to dig at my emotions...
It was indeed, my fault.
It always was..

"Hey, hey! Don't cry..." Anti comforted, putting a hand on my shoulder.

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