Chapter seven: Heartbeat

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*~Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all the darkness.
Desmond Tutu~*

(Iris's pov)
After I left the gas station, I went home. It was lovely seeing Tyler, but it was even nicer seeing how happy he was about the poem. Giddy with excitement, I open the front door and as I'm entering I get attacked by Zeke. He gives me slobbery kisses and barks happily. I laugh.

"Oh Zeke you cheeky monkey." He whines and wags his tail. I let him out in the backyard and then I sit down. I watch as everything blows in the soft breeze, and as the sun coats the earth in gold. A gust of wind kisses my cheek, and a sad smile tickles my lips. Looking down I see Zeke waiting to get inside. Entering my house the puppy walks to his bed and falls asleep.

Shaking my head, I walk towards the stairs and trudge up them. Slipping into my room, I feel a sudden sense of sadness. Picking up a photo album, I plop down on my bed, and opening it I'm am greeted with flashes and sounds of memories. A flash back sweeps me away...

... "Iris! Come on sweetie" my mom walks into my room and her smile lights up the small space. My heart picks up pace, and I frown at mommy. "Sorry mommy" she laughs. "It's ok sweet heart." She picks me up and carries me towards Thomas's room. After a gentle knock mom enters the room and Thomas looks at her.

"What's wrong?" He asks immediately. Moms smile slowly turns into a frown. And my little heart starts to ache. "Mommy?" She stares at us, and tears start to leak from her eyes. "Oh god. Oh god oh god." "Mom? You ok?" Thomas is now alert. Tears tickle my eyes but I don't know why. Mom sits down and takes both our hands and says, "it's your father." My little heart stops.

"What about dad?"
Thomas and I ask at the same time. "He left. He left for a little bit but he'll be back" I bawl. Full, fat, tears trickle from my eyes and my heart breaks. Daddy is gone! Mom goes to comfort us but I run from the room as fast as my little legs can carry me. "IRIS!" I hear them shout my name, but I keep going.

Gone. Gone. Daddy is gone. No! Please come back!! "Daddy!!??" I rush to his room, not there, I rush to his office, nope. Running to the door I fling it open and... No car. My heart aches, my heart breaks. "DADDY!!!" I shout. But he isn't coming back. He's not ever coming back.

Falling to my knees I bawl and bawl. Mom finds me like that 20 minutes later. "Oh Iris baby... I'm sorry" I meet her eyes and everything in me stops. Everything stops until all I can hear is my own heartbeat. Silence whooshes into my head, and slipping into a numbness only a 6 year old can understand, I silently pray for daddy to come home. My prayer was never answered...

Blinking away the memory, I flip to a new page and am greeted with more memories. But I refuse to slip back into the darkness of my subconscious. No warmth greets me there. No happiness welcomes me home. Shifting I keep turning pages until I come across a photo that makes me stop. A photo that makes even my strongest of shields crumble. There before me is my family.

Thomas, mom, and John. All of them sitting around a table playing cards, laughing and alive. I took the photo and I remember watching them. I remember thinking life was great. Boy was I wrong. That was the last day I saw them, alive. That was the day before I lost everything.
(Rafael's pov)
Staring at Trinity I wait for her to freak out, or ask where she is or just all together break down. She doesn't. She lazily stares at me, and purrs, "aren't you going to tell me your name gorgeous?" My stomach roils with disgust, but it slowly turns into a deep burning sensation. A sensation that reminds me of what I feel when I see Iris. Iris, you are dating Iris! My mind whirls.

Realizing she's waiting for an answer I sigh, "Rafael. My name is Rafael." She smiles slyly, sits up and lets the blanket I gave her slide down her coppery shoulders. Trinity scoots closer and murmurs,"thank you for bringing me in, and for giving me a blanket and a fire." I smile, "you're welcome." I say back. Standing I go to place another log in the fire. Stabbing at the ashes, I place the fire poker away, and as I turn around I almost smack into Trinity.

"Hello" I say shocked. She purrs, and gives a deep growl, "entertain me" she bats her eyelashes flirtatiously. "Pardon me?" She growls "you heard me. Entertain me." Swallowing I shake my head no and walk away. I go downstairs and open my brothers door. "We have company" I state baldly. He gets up and walks away. Slipping into the shadows of the house, and disappearing up the stairs.

I hear Trinity say, "oh well hello." Marching up the stairs I make it in time to see Damen, give Trinity an appreciative glare before he says "Hi." Trinity's eyes laser in on me, and I feel my heart pick up. Why does she seem so interested in me? I should tell her I'm taken and that I love another. Deciding to do that I head towards her. Damen beats me to it.

"So how long are you planning to stay- did I get your name?" He switches mid-sentence. She smiles sweetly and whispers "Trinity. My name is Trinity. And I'll stay as along as I like" "The hell you are!" I growl. Her eyes hold surprise and shock. "You can't just barge in here, and then expect me to let you stay for as long as you like. You can only stay here until you've found you're footing and have your own place to stay. Ok?"

She nods but her grey/blue eyes hold mischief and rage. And it's then I know I'm way in over my head.

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