Chapter Two

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A scream came out of my mouth before my brain had even comprehended what was happening. I ducked back into the rows of shelves and calmed myself down. The owner of the gorgeous, deep eyes came around the corner and sat next to me on the floor.

"I'm Bradley. Bradley Reese." His dark brown hair was softly pushed back and his smile glistened like the ocean at sunset.

"Hey." My lips quivered as I replied. "Leslie Blanchard," I introduced myself.

"Sorry about that scare. I didn't realize that someone else was in here." His apology was sincere, and I thought I might actually be able to stand this person- unlike everyone else at the school.

"It's cool..." there was a moment of silence before it felt awkward and I broke it. "My friend should be on the way with a key out."

He sighed. "What a relief! I thought we would be trapped in here all weekend."

My eyes had redirected themselves to my shaking hands. Suddenly, Bradley placed his hands around mine and looked at me, causing me to look at him. "Everything will be alright," he whispered as he rubbed his thumb softly around the top of my hand.

The right side of my mouth twitched into a small smile and he smiled back at me, but with a whole set of gorgeous teeth. Bradley guided me, helping me stand up. As we walked to the front and center of the library, I felt a warm arm wrap around my waist- the hand held the side of my stomach. It startled me for a minute, and made me feel slightly self conscious, because I'd always been pretty curvy, so my stomach was a very sensitive place for me. But, for some reason, Bradley made me feel not-so-self conscious.

Is that a good thing, though?


We used the Librarian's instant coffeemaker to make hot chocolate, and I pulled out the two packs of cashews I had stored in my backpack for snack reasons. As we snacked at a small table in the back of the library, we played twenty questions.

After about 12 or so questions, Bradley asked me, "What's your favorite thing about this school?" And I answered, "You'll have to ask me later. I'm not quite sure I know yet."



My phone buzzed and I quickly answered it after seeing Justin's name across the screen.

"Hey, Lez..." Justin spoke in a tone that soon made me anxious.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"So um... your mom isn't home. I called her and she said she's in the city... three hours away."

Gosh, I'd love to swear right about now.

"Crap," I darted through the phone.

"Looks like I'll be getting you in the morning..."

"Are you serious?" I asked more to God than to Justin.

"I'm so sorry, Leslie," he whined.

"It's alright. I'll see you tomorrow." I hung up the phone and looked at Bradley.

"We won't be getting out any time soon, will we?" He asked. I simply shook my head.

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