Chapter 3

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I felt like I was going to pass out I couldn't believe this. Calm down Robyn. That was all I could constantly think. I just couldn't do that though. My body wouldn't listen to my mind. I knew that everyone was watching me. I had to play it off as if everything was okay.

He walked right over to the empty seat and sat in it. He intertwined my fingers that were on the table with his and rubbed them.

"I've missed you so you so much." He whispered in my ear with a smile. I use to love this smile now it repulses me.

Everyone felt the tension between us but no one said anything. It was completely silent. I felt so uncomfortable. Finally someone said something.

My dad cleared his throat and finally spoke. "So what happened between you too? I thought y'all were so in love down and didn't care who knew it." Damn it. I looked down and felt my eyes start to water. I can't tell him. I can't at least right not now.

Sebastian spoke. "We had an argument. I guess the emotions are still pretty strong." I saw he glanced at me. I didn't look at him though. I just continued to look down.

"Was it last night?" Rorrey said slowly. I slowly looked at him. No. He promised. He said he wouldn't say anything. I shot a look at him filled with anger. I thought he wouldn't say anything. I just need him to stay quiet.

"It couldn't have been she was grounded last night. I had her phone how was she going to go in contact with him?" My dad said looking at me. I filled my face with food to stall.

I want to pass out. I can't do this. Why is this all happening to me? I just wanted to run away. Everyone had questions and I knew all the answers were going to upset everyone.

"She left last night To the beach." Rorrey said before sipping water. I kicked him under the table. Why can't he just shut the hell up?

"Robyn! Why would you do this?" My mom looked disappointed again.

Great. Just when we patched things up everything was messed up. I felt like I couldn't talk. The words wouldn't come out my mouth. Every time I opened it to say something. I got scared and put food into it.

Sebastian grabbed my hand under the table and held it. When I tried to let it go he looked me in the eyes and whispered. "It's okay." Why is he doing this? I don't need this at all.

I turned away from him. Why is he doing this to me? All of this is happening at once I can't take it. I just wanted kill him. All these mixed emotions are just too much for me to take.

"It was just to say goodbye. I could never willingly let her go without a proper one." Sebastian said. He wasn't lying that was what we were intentionally meeting to do. The sad part is it just didn't turn out that way.

"So what happen?" My father said. He was giving Sebastian this glare of hatred. I'm glad he could do this it because i wanted to so much, but I couldn't.

"I acted Like a jerk. I just was scared of being without her, I tried to overcompensate and I was extremely wrong. I'm deeply sorry." I looked at him and I felt like crying. I wasn't because I was happy. I was just scared. I didn't know what to do. One minute he's sweet the next he's a monster. I'm terrified of him.

I looked around the table and my mom was smiling. My dad had a smirk on his face. He wasn't happy the angry face he had was now gone. He didn't look happy he just had a smirk. Rorrey looked happy for a bit. Well until he opened his mouth again.

"What about the girl?" He said looking up at me. I just looked at him again.

Why can't he just let it go? He is making this situation a thousand times worse. "Huh?" I only said it to muff the sound of me stomping on his toes.

He swallowed his spit and repeated "I said what about the girl? The girl you got in a fight with?" I wanted to die. I just might pass out.

"Robyn A fight?" My mom said sternly. He started to look mad again. Damn it. They don't understand. I am the victim they just don't know that. I it's because I didn't tell them. I want to I just can't. At least not yet.

"I did deserve it though. She got me good too." He let out a laugh. Then he started rubbing his face.

After that dinner was basically over. We talked about everyone and I have to admit it was kind of nice. I looked around the table one last time and instantly became sad. It was everything I wanted. My family to enjoy the guy I cared about company. Well a guy who I once cared about. They were laughing and conversing with one another. It's sad that it came so late. I got lost in my thoughts for it. I couldn't stop thinking that it was my fault why this didn't happen sooner. My year of lies was a waste. My family clearly likes him. It's too late for me to be with him. He's already hurt me. I can't go back to him. Even though this is nice. I don't want to be with him. He disrespected me in the most degrading way possible.

After we left the table Sebastian and I went outside. I didn't want to but my mom suggested it. Once again I had to do it not because I didn't want to. I just wanted to make sure that no one thought that anything was wrong with me. When we go outside he put his arm around me. I moved away. I don't want him to ever touch me again. My family wasn't here to see us so I wasn't pretending anymore.

"Robyn what's wrong with you?" He said grabbing my hand. I needs to stop touching me. I can't do this.

"Don't touch me. You raped me what do you mean what's wrong you took advantage of me last night. What do you mean what's wrong?" I slapped his hands off of me. I started to walk away from him.

"I didn't mean for it to happen. I just couldn't let you go. I needed something for you to remember me by. I wanted you to remember me too. I promise I can control myself." He said walking towards me.

"You can't say 'I didn't mean to' and all is forgiven. What did you want me to remember being a monster because that's the picture you've painted in my head? I wasn't ready you knew damn well I wasn't you didn't care. You took away my innocence. I hate you." I turned away from him. I'm tired of looking at him. He repulses me.

"Don't say that. I still love you. I know you till love me too." He walked away. Really.

I ran behind him and tapped his shoulder. "So you still loved me even when you told me to shut the fuck up yelling?" He had his head down and walked away. "That's what I thought."


I walked away. I went to go sit in my car. I couldn't take it. I broke her heart and I didn't mean to. I just wanted to be her first. So even when she gets old she'll remember me. I never wanted to hurt her. I just didn't want her to forget me. I can't take it. Too many people have come into my life and just left. I didn't want her to be the same. If she was leaving then I wanted her to remember me. I at least wanted to make it known that this time when someone left they were going to remember me. I'm tired of people leaving me with me thinking about them constantly. I never knew if they were thinking about me as much as I'm thinking about them. I now know that she was thinking about me as much as I was thinking about her. Now it's just not in a good way. My thoughts just kept running about how I messed this up that bad.

It took a while but then I finally pulled off to go home. I laid in my bed and I couldn't stop thinking about her. She's going to be mine again. I just have to give her time. I have to get her back. If it's the last thing I do it would be worth it.

When I got home. I texted her. It said 'Remember when I told you how I was afraid to be with you at first because everyone likes to leave me. You said no matter what you'd always be here for me. I guess this situation doesn't apply.'

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