Chapter 11

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Chapter 11




I stared at Sebastian as he had a gun to the back of my head. I wasn’t scared at all. I was frustrated more than anything. He’s a coward. What type of man does that. You can’t possibly think this is okay. I gave him the coldest stare I felt resembled all of my disgust i had for him. I hated him. More than anything.


“What’s on your mind? Are you scared?” He had a smirk on his face while speaking. As If he was proud of himself, and what he was doing.


“Not at all. You don’t Scar-”


“I don’t really care. You can save this conversation on your feelings for your parents because they are the only ones who care. Who’ve ever cared.” When he said parents my head immediately shot up. They’re the most important people to me. I’ll guard them with my life if I had too.


“Surprised? You really thought I was going to allow my girlfriend to stay with someone I knew nothing about? I know just about everything there is to know about everyone you know.” The only thing that stopped me from jumping across the seats to kick his ass was the gun he had in his hand.


“You touch my parents and I’m killing you. Matter of fact don’t even talk about my parents.” I tried my hardest to repress the rage that was trying to escape from my voice.


“You aren’t in the position to be making threats I AM! I’M GOING TO TALK ABOUT WHO I WANT WHEN I WANT! IF YOU REALLY WANT ME TO LEAVE YOU AND YOUR PARENTS ALONE THEN LEAVE ROBYN ALONE!” He got out of the car and started to walk away.


I watched him as he went behind the store building. My thoughts were thrown off. He isn’t going to intimidate me. I got out the car and followed the same way he did. As soon as I turned the corner I felt pain in my face and I was on the floor.


“NOW YOU’RE FOLLOWING ME? WHEN I DID IT WAS BECAUSE I WAS CRAZY ABOUT ROBYN! ARE YOU CRAZY ABOUT ME? HUH?” I looked up to see Sebastian with a baseball bat in his hand through my blurry vision. Before I could answer I felt a swing to the ribs followed by a kick in the stomach. I winced in pain trying to get up off of the ground.


“If you were smart you would stay down. Just like you’d stay out of Robyn’s life. Just for fun lets just put this into perspective. This bat is me, you be you, and this cell phone which has the police on speed dial is Robyn” He placed the cell phone just a few inches away from me on the ground.


The moment I reached my arm out to grab the phone I was hit in my back repeatedly. I screamed loudly. “You see how that work. That’s exactly how it’s going to be in real life. You are to leave her alone. The only difference is that everyone will suffer from your stupidity your mom, dad, hell even Joey. Everyone can be out here hurting together.Let this be a lesson to you.” After that I didn’t hear him anymore. I laid there feeling paralyzed. My entire body felt numb. I wanted to get up, but I couldn’t move.




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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2014 ⏰

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