Chapter 9

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When I heard him call me it felt like my chest tightened. I couldn't believe it. How in the hell did he find me? Sebastian found me. It felt like the room was spinning. His voice put me in a daze.. I wanted to do nothing, but hide. I don't understand it. How did he find me? Who let him in this house? Why did they let him in? 

Just so many questions came running at once. I tried my hardest to stop the panic attack that forming. I couldn't though. As hard as I tried my breathing just became more and more uneven.

Then I heard him trying to open the door. That made my breathing stop all together. It was locked, so didn't get in. Just hearing that he was inches away from being next to my, and I was clothe less scared the hell out of me. 

"Robyn open the damn door!" He shouted instantly as he realized it was locked.

Nope. I'm not even going to answer him. I could stay in here the rest of the night. Most of the morning too. I'm sure Ms.Thomas would get worried and come find me. Then i'd just explain to her who he is. Wait. Ms. Thomas. She doesn't need to be put in the middle of this. Surely Sebastian's psychiatric state has gotten worse since I seen him last. I mean if he's been looking for me for two weeks straight he has to be worse. No one can stalk their ex who clearly doesn't want to be with them unless they aren't sane. I don't want anyone to get hurt. I'm not saying that he's cable of hurting an old woman, but lets be realistic I can't rule it out. It's not that I think he's gonna do something like that because I don't, but I didn't think he was ever gonna rape me and it happened. So now I can't rule anything out.

I knew I had to come out to protect Ms. Thomas's family. Before I could open it I heard someone else come in the door. I leaned towards the wall and listened. 

"I told you that no one by the name of Robyn lived here now get the fuck out of my house before my mother comes back!" It was Caden. I never heard him speak like that to anyone. Even when customers got snappy with him at the restaurant he was always extremely passive. It was unusual. His voice was sweet and soft, but this time it was cold and hard.

"Whoa, you better calm the fuck down. I don't know who you think you're talking to, but that person isn't in this room. Don't let your tone of voice get you fucked up. Now I'm not going anywhere until whoever's in that bathroom comes out." Sebastian's voice sounded completely different. It was cold and harsh. It was the same tone he used the night he raped me. 

I rested my back on the wall. I honestly didn't know what to do. he said he wasn't leaving until I came out. When he saw me I knew he was going to make me come with him. 

"No! You're going to leave right now or get your ass beat! My sister is in there taking a shower and she left her clothes on the bed, so get the fuck out and give her some privacy!" Caden was really riled up I could hear it. After that I heard the door slam.

Then a light knock on the door. "Rihanna it's okay." He whispered it lowly.

I immediately swung the door opened, so fast it almost hit him. I hugged him tightly. I was just thankful that he got him to get out. Even if he was just downstairs I was still relieved. I never allowed anyone to be there with me to face Sebastian. I thought they wouldn't care enough about me to help me, or believe me. He was there for me and it felt good.

He tried to detach away from the hug. I let go and looked at him in confusion. "It's not that I don't think this is nice because I do. Trust me I do. I just don't think you realize that... um.... You're naked." He said putting his head upward after saying the last part.

My cheeks flushed red with embarrassment. I looked behind me and saw the towel that was wrapped around my body on the floor. I picked it and rewrapped it around myself. I got my clothes off the bed then went go put them on. Caden went into the bathroom while I went get dressed. After I was done I opened the bathroom door.

He came out and sat on the bed. I was leaning on the wall with my hands behind my back. That's just what felt natural to me. We sat in silence for awhile. Then we heard banging on the door. "How long does it take to put on clothes! Hurry the fuck up Robyn I don't have all damn day! You know I hate waiting!" Sebastian shouted from the over side of the door. 

That last comment pissed me off. It was like he was now proud of what he did. I guess it pissed Caden off too. After he heard that he ran to the door and opened it. As soon as he opened it he grabbed Sebastian by his shirt then pushed him down the stairs.

As much as I hated Sebastian I don't like to see anyone get hurt. Especially someone I had such a close relationship with. I can admit that he's an asshole now, but he wasn't always like that. Well at least he wasn't like that towards me. The thought of knowing that someone no matter who they are got hurt because of me was a thought I didn't like.

"Get the fuck out because the next time I put my hands on you I will be beating your ass!" Caden screamed from the top of the stairs. I was still in the room. I didn't leave yet.

"I'll be coming back for you Robyn don't worry!" Sebastian yelled. After that I heard the door slam. 

I was unsure to come completely out of the room or just a little bit. I poked my head out of the door and saw no one. I took that as a sign that everything was okay. I opened the door and went down stairs to find Caden drinking a bottle of water in the kitchen.

He kept looking at me. I guess he was waiting for me to explain. I took a deep  breath before speaking. "That was my ex who I told you about." 

I watched closely how he reacted and he didn't at all. He didn't flinch. His eyes didn't get bigger or anything. He was unfazed. "I know. The girl you came in the store with the night I met you was here." 

I was excited when I first heard that Mel was here. That was soon flushed when I thought of her being here with Sebastian. i don't think anyone especially a girl should be around him right now. 

"What did she say?" I asked him.

"She thought that I kidnapped you. She was asking me all of these questions like where did you take Robyn the night you stole her out of my car? Why did you take here? Did you know she had a best friend that will be on your ass non stop until she is found? She was getting all in my personal space too. She wasn't playing any games." He started to laugh at the last part.

I didn't get it. If anyone else was accused of kidnapping someone they'd be panicking right now. Caden on the other hand was mellow and calm about the entire thing. That's what I mean when I saw he's to nice. He's being accused of committing a crime that he can go to jail for, and he's taking it lightly. 

"What did you tell her?" I was suspicious. You can't just get her to back down that easily, and seeing that I didn't hear her scream at all she must have backed down.

"The truth. I said I don't know a Robyn." He smirked at me. "Or do I?" He mumbled as he went to go throw his water away. 

I felt my cheeks get red. "Yes, you do. My real name is Robyn." I tried to hide the embarrassment as much as I could.

"Really? No you don't say?" He put his hands on his chest as if he was shocked as he spoke sarcastically.

I laughed a little. "Yes, I only told you that it wasn't because I thought i was just going to meet you that night. I had no idea that I was going to know you for longer. At least I gave you a name you never told me yours for the longest."

He started to chuckle. "I was waiting for you to ask me, but you never did. You just asked my mom."

I gave I'm a confused look. "Why does it matter?" I said walking over to the couch. I sat down to where my legs were stretched out.

"Because I had something planned to say." He came walking over to the living room.

"Okay so what's your name?" I asked at he walked over to the couch.

He sat down after he moved my feet putting them over his lap and started to rub them. It felt amazing. He was firmly rubbing my feet. He didn't move to slow. I completely forgot about our foot massage deal. My eyes instantly started to get heavy as he rubbed them.

"Your man." He whispered as I drifted off to sleep.

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