Chapter 6

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I can't believe I did it. I know I shouldn't have but what else was I suppose to do. Sebastian is right I can never tell my parents. I can't just sit there as if nothing ever happened I just needed to go away. Not for a little while this time but for forever. I tell my parents what happened. They won't believe me. Why would they I lied to them a year ago, and I lied to them last night. My only choice was to leave. It was the middle of July so I had a few months to get away and leave and find out what I was going to do before School started. Not that I wanted to stay that long. It was just a thought. I don't want to go back so nothing can be ruled out. 

The guys in the car with me were nice and friendly. I sat in the back and they both sat in the front. I was a little hesitant to get in the care with them but then I thought of what would happen if I didn't. I'd rather leave with complete strangers in a place I've never been before than to be with Sebastian any time. The worst that could happen was that they'd kill me. At this point in my life the thought of death didn't sound bad at all. Not that I wanted to die it's just the thought of death doesn't scare me. It's a way out and I am looking for a way out. I could never willingly take my own life. If they wanted to do it so be it. 

"Where are do you want me to drop you off at?" The guy cashier asked me interrupting me from my thoughts. I still don't know his name. It wasn't my main priority. 

I looked up and we were clearly at the The Gap. I've never been here before but I could tell that I was here. "Um it doesn't matter anywhere is fine." I didn't want to be a hassle.

"Are you sure? It's no trouble to drop you off close to where you want to go?" He looked in the rear view mirror to make eye contact with me.

"Yeah I'm sure." I didn't want to tell them that I had no idea where I was going. I just met them and some things people didn't need to know.

He pulled the car over and they both got out. I did the same before walking up to the cashier guy. "Thank you for the ride. I wish I had money to giv-"

"Stop it. It's no problem. It's not like we were taking you somewhere out of the way. We were coming here anywhere." We started walking down the street. His friend wasn't with us. He left as soon as the car stopped.

"Still that was really nice. You didn't have to do that." I stared at him.

He smirked at me. "I wanted to." The main reason why I was walking with him because I had no idea where to go.

It was quiet so I felt like I was bothering him. "What's your favorite place to go here?" I asked him that so I made sure not to go there. If I'm annoying him I don't want to see him to see me again tonight.\

Instead of him answering me he grabbed my hand and entered a building. I hate being touched now. 

As I was about to tell him something I noticed that the building that went into was a restaurant. I watched him closely as we went more into the restaurant. He kissed the hostess on the cheek and walked to the back. Almost every waiter that passed him he  talked to. He must come here a lot.

He stopped walking when we reached a booth in the back and sat down.He let my hand go when we got there too.

"Why did you grab my hand?" It irritated me when people especially guys touched me now. You could hear it in  my voice that it irritated me.

He put his hands up in the air "Whoa calm down ma. I just didn't want to loose you in the restaurant it can get hectic in there. Especially in the front." 

"Oh. Well still you could've warned me." I stated.

He started smiling. "My bad. If I would've known this is how you were going to react I would've."

A Girl Like Me (Rihanna fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora