Chapter 7

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I felt myself getting up from the nap I took earlier. The sheets that I was wrapped around felt so comfortable. Wait. Sheets? I went to sleep on the beach. I immediately opened my eyes saw that I was wrapped around in sheets. In a bed too. I removed the covers from off of my face and saw that I was in a room. I looked around the room and saw a big window that viewed the beach that I was at last night. I also saw picture of the cashier guy and his family on a shelf. He brought me to his house?

Something's up with him. He's way to generous. I never met someone as nice as him. Sebastian was close, but he didn't turn out as nice as he led me to believe. I don't want that to happen again, so I'm not going to be careful.

I got fully out of the bed and saw that I had sand all over me and in the bed. Great. I don't have any extra clothes and I smell like the ocean. I went into the bathroom to wipe my face. On the counter it had a toothbrush with Rihanna written on a piece of paper over it. I smiled a little. At least I can brush my teeth. 

After I finished brushing my teeth, I went back into the room where I woke up at. I looked on the bed and the dirty sheets were stripped off of the bed and clothes were where I was laying with another sheet of paper that said Rihanna over it. They were just basketball shorts and a muscle shirt. It wasn't much, but it was more than I had. I smiled looking around. I'm clearly being watched.

I went back into the bathroom making sure to lock it. If i'm being watched I don't want anyone walking in here. I turned the water on and the lights off and got in. I cried in the shower this time too. It was worse, than any other time. The reason why was because I lost everything. At first it was just my innocence. Now it was my family, my best friend, my life and everything that I grew accustom to over the years. It was the only choice I had. If I went back and told what happened why would anyone believe me? Like Sebastian said I've lied so many times no one would believe me. My only hope of living a life that I actually like was me leaving. Even though I feel like I'm doing the right thing, it hurts.

When I got out of the shower and put on clothes I went downstairs. The smell of bacon it me in the face as I reached the bottom. In the front of the stairs was a door. Leave or eat bacon? I was love bacon, but then again he's already done so much for me.

I headed for the door and grabbed the door handle when I heard someone shout. "You aren't gonna stay for breakfast?" 

I turned to face the way the shouting was coming from and saw the cashier. He was flipping pancakes.

I walked over to him to explain why I'm leaving. "Yeah, you've already done so much for me. I'm just going to leave before I intrude."

He looked at me smiling. "Nonsense I already made you a plate." He slide the plate on the counter in front of me.

It had bacon, cinnamon roles, pancakes and eggs. It looked like heaven. That's it I give in. The sight alone made my mouth water. I couldn't just leave it there to get cold.

I sat down at the counter. "Okay, but after this I have to go." I put the bacon in my mouth and it tasted perfect.

He came sit down next to me. "Go where? I know you don't have anywhere else to go you can stay here until you get on your feet."

See there it goes. He just invited a stranger into his house to stay until the unknown. Too nice. I don't get why at all.

I looked over to him "Why are you doing this?"

He scrunched up his face a little. "For two reasons. One is because you need a break. I fill like you've had it pretty hard and you could use someone who could be here for you. The second reason is because my mom was actually the one who saw you on the beach. Yeah I go running there in the morning, but I go the other way. She saw you and said to make sure you're safe."

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