Chapter 10

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As I stirred up out of me sleep, I came to realization that something was stopping me from moving, opening my eyes I saw Robyn’s feet on my lap. I smiled remembering the day we had earlier. It kind of got rocky in the middle, but it’s still one of the best days I’ve had in awhile. In all honesty I like Robyn, a lot actually, but she’s in no condition to be in a relationship right now. She needs to work on her. I understand that, which is why I haven’t approached her in that type of way yet, only a friend; which what she needs more than anything right now.

A loud knock on the door interrupted me out of my thoughts. I tried to slither out from under Robyn’s legs without waking her. I stood up as they impatiently knocked again only this time louder followed by the ringing of the door bell. I huffed in frustration. When people knock on the door and ring the doorbell irritates me. It’s either or not both. It’s just one of those things that get under my skin for no apparent reason. “I’m coming!” I shouted in a grouchy tone walking to the door. They ignored me and went back to knocking then ringing the doorbell.

I swung open the door only to be shocked to see a older looking, but beautiful woman in front of me. She had light complexion and long dreads. I’ve never seen her before in my life, but she looked as though she seen me, and whatever I did on our last encounter pissed her off.

“Hello?” I said with one eyebrow arched.

“Listen I’m not really big on salutations, so I’m going to be straightforward with you. I know you have my daughter and I’d like for her to come back home.” She gave me a stern look as she took a step in front of me, invading my personal space. I had about three inches on her, but she was the one intimidating me. I know she’s little, but I can’t help but be scared. Her daughter’s missing and she thinks she’s at my house and she’s right. If the shoe was on the other foot my mom would no doubt go to jail, and by the way that Ms. Monica stepped up to me she’s about to too.

I don’t know what to do. Robyn told me before that when she’s ready to face her parents she’ll go back I swallowed hard to hide the fact that this little woman frightened me a little. I don’t like lying to anyone especially someone older than me, I’m not that type of guy.

“Um… I.. I.. I don’t…. She’s not….. ’m sorry ma’am but…. She is here, but she’s not ready to face you yet. I assure you that she’s well cared for.” I tried to lie, but I couldn’t do it. I’m not that type of person. The words wouldn’t come out. When I told the truth they still came out rocky because I was nervous, but it was more fluid.

“I don’t believe you. Who knows what you’ve done with her. She’s been gone for half a month. You will make sure I see her tomorrow.” She used her fingers to poke at my chest every time I tried to back away from her cold glare.

I have no idea how I’m going to get her to meet with her by tomorrow. “It’s not that I don’t think she needs to see you I do. It’s just I… Don’t think that she’s ready.”

“Listen son. If she doesn’t meet me tomorrow, I have a husband and a son who will take care of you. Do you understand me? She has been gone for too long! If she’s not ready she better get ready! This is the calmest I’m going to be for awhile, and you and Robyn are pushing me!”

I felt my ears get warm as her anger increased. I was just being honest. I didn’t mean to upset anyone. At this point I just wanted to calm her down. I shook my head, “yes ma’am. Where do I tell her to meet you at?”

“The gas station you picked her up at.” After she said that she walked away from my house. When she had got into her car and left I went into the house and rested my back on the back of the closed door.

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