Where did it being part 2

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Soon after we had been together we have never been on a plane. That was because of my little sister Hera. It all being 6 year go dearing new years in 2010. 


I know he's cheating on me.BUt with whom and who is she. Oh she better not be a striper like Nicole and Shayla. I will go ballistic on him even though I just adore my little kitty cat. But it all began like this on new years. At this time we weren't gf and bf we were just friends how hanged out all the time.


New years was a holidays for the two of us. I had been accusing him of cheating for a while but had forgot all about. Until I got a weird letter from someone saying you have been cheated or you have been cheated on. I wonder what it meant. I had no idea what it meant at all.

 But Kazemasa might know what it means. So I had asked him. And he had said to me "Taylor I known you for a long time... so forget the letter and be more than just a friend to me be my girlfriend." said Kazemasa.  I was so shocked at what he had said to me. Then he said to me " Will you Taylor Be my girlfriend." I had said yes.

 then I had said no one will ever love you like I will because I will Always love you my dear kitty cat. Then he said to me "Only you can call me that and anyone how hurts you will have to go through me first. Because I love and Always had a crush on you ever since we were kids." then I had said "Aw... Then i don't want anyone to see you when you look so cute and adorable."

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