The Battle

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When I got there, I saw Taylor chained up to a wall with no clothes on.I also had seen Keith say A spell, that was pointed at Taylor but it looked like it backfired. I looked up at Keith and said "  What the hell Keith, She has nothing to do with this, let Taylor go now!" said Kazemasa. " or what ? " said Keith. " you hurt me so i'm returning the favor. So i'm going to make you feel the pain you put me in ." said Keith. " So i'm going to kill what you love the most." Said Keith.  " why are you doing this Keith. What did I do to you for me to deserve this." said Kazemasa. 

" You know very well why i'm doing this. " said Keith. " No I don't. Tell me what I did to deserve this Keith." said Kazemasa.  " you really want to know that bad. You had abandoned me for this human girl, when I needed you the most. So now she mine.  And i'm going to hurt you by torturing her with my powers. while you sit back and fight my fellows." as he tortured her with his powers as i sit back and fight the undead and dead. There is nothing that I can do to compete with Keith. 

He or his powers were always stronger than mine. No! I wouldn't allow this to happen. That's when something inside of me woke up. My eyes , hands , mouth , and body went white. That when Keith realized that my full potential powers had awoken. 

That is when I realized that my true powers had awakened.  Just then I yelled at Keith saying " Keith you are a dead man. You hear me. A dead man." said Kazemasa. " Lūk ṣ̄r lūkfị k̄hxng kār lngthos̄ʹ " said Kazemasa. translated into english it says "fireball arrows of doom" this was pointed at the undead and dead wizards. After I had casted the spell on the wizards they had been shot with the fireball arrows of doom and then they all went down. 

"Lxytạw k̄hxng tĥxngf̂ā" said Kazemasa. If I were to translate that it would say floatation of the sky. My spell had floated me up to where Keith was. Then I took out my knife.I held my knife in my hand and said to Keith you bastard, you really don't care do you. " Huǒ lóngjuǎnfēng." said Keith. translated that into english it says fire tornado. I held my ground and said "Shuǐ jípǔ sài rén. (water gypsies). " said Kazemasa. 

These are some of the spells that we had casted for 3 hours, non-stop. We both were tried. We both had no strength but I had some strength that I mustered on up. In the end I felt like I was going to lose the battle. But to say that, sounded like I would have given up. But I'll never give up. 

I will keep going, and end this battle once and for all.  This spell that I will cast will for sure end the battle that is still going on. That spell is " Yādiǎn nà de huǒqiú yǎnlèi (fireball tears of athena)." said Kazemasa. But the Keith did a counterspell and both spells hit each other and disappeared. But the spell he had casted was ' Salvio Hexia' which created a barrier around him so none of my spells could get him . 

" Now your spells can't get me." said Keith. I had feel to my knees and said Keith why do we have to fight. We used to be best buds. " Alohomora. " said Kazemasa. then Keith's barrier had disappeared.

 "Damn. I thought you forgot that spell."said Keith. " No I didn't. Now let's end this battle once and for all. " LACARNUM INFLAMARE." said Kazemasa. And my spell hit Keith and he went up in flames. And Keith was no more. And that was the end of the battle. 

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