Keith's Control

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" Oh my dear Taylor what i'm I to do with." said Keith. " Oh I know what to do with you Taylor." said Keith. " I don't understand my love. What do you want to do with me." said Taylor. " I know just what to do with you Taylor. " said Keith." " Taylor, take off your cloths. " said Keith.

" Yes my love." said Taylor. " mwahaha... what a move I..... Wow! That is one sexy body you have Taylor. No wonder Kazemasa likes you." said Keith. " Who's Kazemasa? " said Taylor. " This is perfect. Now that she or Taylor doesn't know who Kazemasa is. I can do whatever I to you, Taylor." said Keith.

Taylor's Thoughts

No this can't be happening. No I just can't believe this. This man named Keith has powers and now i'm under his control. And Kazemasa has powers to. Maybe he's the only one how can save me.

Maybe I can try asking why he doing this. It's worth a shot. Come on Taylor you can do it. All you have to do is Open your mouth and say why are you doing this. Here goes nothing. Damn it.

I can't do it. For some reason I can't speak on my own free will. Oh Kazemasa where are you. Please hurry, and come and save me from this man. Before he does make me do anything else inappropriate. Please hurry my dear.

back to the story

" Oh man. What am I to do with such a lovely body." said Keith. " This should get interesting real fast." said Keith. " What do you mean by that my love." said Taylor. " (Keith rubs his hands together real slow) " Oh nothing that you plan on or one thing that Kazemasa would never do to you. " said Keith. " Now take off your underwear and bra. But do it slow." said Keith.

"yes my love." said Taylor. ( slowly take off underwear, slowly takes off bra.) " Keith I really don't think you should be doing this to Kazemasa's girl." said Abe. " DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO WITH KAZEMASA'S GIRL ABE." said Keith. Taylor grabs Keith's hand and kisses it. " Keith, my love, Who is this man." said Taylor. " No one in particular. My dear. " said Keith.

"Okay. "said Taylor. Pushes her up against the wall. " Oh." said Taylor. "looks like things are about to get fun." said Taylor. " Yes it is." said Keith.

As i pinned her up against the wall where the shackles were at , then I put her hands in the shackles, last I had locked the shackles with a key, so that she wouldn't escape. But knowing that she or Taylor is under my control she won't be able to do that. But how knows she could break free of my spell. Right as i'm about to torture her , Abe said to me He's here keith and he doesn't look happy about what you did to Taylor. " Just when I least expect to do what I want to do. He finds me. I bet Elie told him where I was at. Damn it Elie. Were on the same side. But I guess you already forgave him." said Keith.

" Come on Keith we have to go now." said Abe. " Ha. As if. I want to fight Kazemasa and bring him down to the ground and I want him to watch me torture Taylor." said Keith." Okay. Good luck with that. But i'm out of here." said Abe. " Okay then I guess i'm on my own now." said Keith. maybe one spell couldn't hurt.

" Fā yǎng de yǔmáo (feathers of tickleation)" said Keith. Then all of a sudden she just burst out laughing. what I don't believe my eyes. My spell had backfired.But none of my spell backfire. Unless Taylor is a mage. But mages haven't been around for generations. That's when Kazemasa yelled at me and said something but he had muttered it under his breath. So I didn't hear what he said.

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