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Form Taylor's point of view

the next morning.... after I had woken up I heard someone calling me. Was this strange for me. Yes! This was strange for me. I thought I was going crazy. The song went like this:

Then I had looked to my left and saw that Kazemasa was no longer at my side. So I thought that he was downstairs making berfektest. But I was wrong. Usually when Kazemasa leaves before I wake up he leaves a note. But I search the whole house and found no note. But when I went into the kitchen again I saw a man standing there but it was not Kazemasa.

 So I asked the mysterious man if he was one of Kazemasa's friends. All he said was " You're mine now." Then I asked " How are you?" then he said " i'm your worst nightmare. I'm was one of Kazemasa's friends before he met you that is and now i'm going to take was my friend or should I say traitor loves the most." said the mysterious man. What do you mean by that?

" you're not going to harm me are you? " said Taylor. Then I yelled for Kazemasa. But there was no answer. Then the mysterious man said to me " Do you know the real Kazemasa. You know me and him are alike you know Taylor. We both have powers. And my powers are stronger than his. Now subdue to my powers and become my belonging. And one more thing Taylor he can't help you now. " Said the mysterious man. " how do you know my name?" said Taylor. 

Then the mysterious man had his hand up and said a spell. The spell went like this " Shǐ zhège nǚrén chéngwéi wǒ de guīshǔ, shǐ tā fúcóng wǒ de quánlì ." said the mysterious man. But that was in chinese if i were to translate that into english then it be this "make this woman my belonging and make her subdue to my powers."

 But after that or after he had casted the spell on me I had subdued to his powers. When I woke up from that dream I the first thing I said was I must go and see my love, Keith. I got dressed and went downstairs, then past Kazemasa. " Good morning Taylor." said Kazemasa. Then i had said I must go and see my love, keith. But I had said the name quietly. Trapped inside this spell I could see and hear everything that was going on.

Kazemasa's point of view

"Did Taylor just say she needed Keith. Damn it Keith I will get you for this." said Kazemasa. As I followed Taylor to see where see go. But then she just disappeared from my sight. So I searched high and low for my love. Taylor where are you? 

 I start asking myself why Keith is doing this. Then I came up with an idea. That idea was - could he be doing this because I had abandoned him during a magic battle.  But that could be , so I ruled it out and started thinking again. So I went to go see an old friend of mine that might know where is Keith is.

 " Hello, Elie are you there. said Kazemasa. " Ah, my old dear friend, Kazemasa. What brings you here. " said Elie. " you know very well why i'm here Elie." said Kazemasa. " Oh I see now. Kazemasa do you really want to save a women. You have us don't worry about her anymore. " said Elie. " You don't understand Elie. I was going to propose to her tomorrow, Elie. I need her in my life! Now tell me where Keith is Elie. Please." said Kazemasa. 

" Alright Kazemasa. I'll tell you where he is but He is torturing her. You should know that at least.  But he is where you first meet. Kazemasa his power is ulike it was before. It is stronger than it was before. I warn you Kazemasa. I warned you. You hear me Kazemasa , You here me Kazemasa." said Elie. "yes I understand what you say and yes I hear you loud and clear." said Kazemasa.

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