Chapter 2:New House, New School

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  • Dedicated to Talya Diner

Here's the second chapter! Hope you enjoy. :)

On the side is Rachel!

Chapter 2: New House, New School

The dreaded day had finally arrived. The day I was moving. My three best friends were over to say goodbye. Amber is already bawling her eyes out, Alison and Michelle are on the verge of tears.

"Amber! It's alright. I promise I'll call you tonight." I hug her, my heart breaking. I hate goodbyes, I hate leaving my friends.

"You better," She sniffles, wiping her mascara stained face. 

"Courtney, all three of us have something to give you." Michelle says as the first tear slides down her cheek. She hands me a wrapped package. I take it in my hands and smile. 

 "You guys didn't have to!" I say, looking the wrapped package over.

"Well, we're going to miss you." Ali says, trying her best to keep a calm and collected face on, though I can see her bottom lip tremble slightly.

"I'm going to miss you guys like hell." I say, while I wrap my arms around them, pulling them into a group hug. At this point I was having trouble trying not to cry. My eyes are watering and I'm putting all my effort into not crying. I'm not one for crying in front of people.

I hear the front door slam shut and heels click towards us."Sweetie! We have to leave now!" My mom calls.

I give my friends a sad look and all one last hug, before heading for the van. Once inside the car I roll down the window and stick my head out. "I promise I'll call you tonight!" 

"You better!" They yell back.

My mom starts down the driveway and I stick my arm out and wave my friends away. They wave back until all they are are spots in the distance. I let out a sad sigh. I was going to miss seeing them every day. Resting my head against the seat, my eyes drift across the car, finally resting on the present that lays unopened on my lap. I take my hand and slowly rip the tape and paper away until all that is left is a thick leather book, with the title 'Memories' on the front. I smile. It's a photo album.

I open the album and the first picture gives me a huge smile, that spreads across my face. It is a picture from kindergarten. We all have pigtails, and matching pink sweaters on. We have our arms wrapped around each other and smiles on our faces. I remember those days. Ali was what we called the queen of our group, Michelle hardly ever spoke, Amber was obssesed with her pink sweat pants and I always wanted to play doctor. 

The next pages were filled with memories from Kindergarten till only a month ago. There is a picture of us from when we were eight. It was in the winter and we had just come back from sledding. Our noses were red and our hair looked like a birds nest, but we were all laughing drinking our hot chocolate. 

Another picture is from when we were eleven. It was at a skating competiton. Ali was in her purple sparkly dress. Her eyes were filled with violet coloured eyeshadow, her hair in a tightly bounded bun. I remeber how we were all jealous that she got to wear makeup. We were all surrounding Ali, excited that she had come in first place. 

The next picture was from only a year ago, when we were fifteen. It was summer and we were all jumping into Michelle's pool. Michelle had her legs curled up to her chest and her eyes were wide, her mouth in a tight smile. Amber was jumping with her hands up in the air. She was sending a model worthy smile towards the camera. Ali was beside Amber, her arms were flinging in all directions, a terrified, surprised look was pasted on her face. I remember she was trying to do some complicated jump where she needed to start off running. She had tripped right before her jumping, which led to the ridiculous look on her face. I was beside her and was doing a can opener. My head was turned towards Ali, my mouth open, laughing at my friend.

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