Chapter 13-Phase two

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I hope you enjoy :)

Chapter 13

"What the hell do you want?" I growl. I’m starting to get seriously annoyed. I feel like I am a Jake magnet, because I can’t seem to get him away from me. 

Jake is looking extraordinarily uncomfortable. His eyes won’t meet mine and he’s stepping from foot to foot. I am so stunned about seeing Jake nervous that I don’t continue my angered rant.

"I, um, just wanted to uh, say that I'm sorry for what I said yesterday. It was really low and I feel really bad," Jake mumbles.

For a second I just stand there gaping at him. He sounds so sincere. I can't believe he is actually apologizing to me. I didn't think he was the kind to even care about apologies. Suddenly a thought comes to me. Of course he doesn't apologize! This is fake, a trap to lure me to him. I am filled with a sudden rage.

"You dick!" I growl, "Don't even play with me! Don't give me fake apologies, ‘cause I'm not falling for your little games!" With that I spin on my heels, making my hair slap his face. I don’t make it very far before Jake’s hands are on my arm, pulling me to him.

"Get the hell off me!" I say in a calm voice, trying not to go bat shit crazy on him.

"Courtney! Wait! This isn't fake, I'm genuinely sorry!"

I laugh angrily in his face, "This isn't fake, I'm seriously sorry!" I mimic him in a false, high voice. "Jake give it up! I'm not falling for your games!"

I look up into his eyes and see that they are hurt. The hurt quickly leaves though and is replaced with anger. "Can't you for once think that I'm not lying! You’re such a bitch!"

I fake a laugh, gritting my teeth, "Of course I'm THE bitch for not believing you!"

Jake gives me a final glare before storming away. I lean up against a wall, while taking deep breaths, trying to calm down. I feel like crying. I am so tired of screaming and yelling and being insulted. I really want Jake to be gone out of my life.

I push myself off the wall, once I’m breathing normally again. I head out towards our meeting place, determined to get some planning done and to start taking serious action against Jake.

"Why can't he just leave me the hell alone! He is infuriating!" I state as soon as I sit down beside all my friends. 

Rachel shuffles over to me and gives me a hug, saying, "I know, he can't take a hint. Don't worry about him though, he's a lowlife."

I sigh, "I know but he just gets on my nerves! He's impossible to deal with!"

"I know, I know, all you have to do is ignore him. He's not worth your time!"

"But I can't just ignore him!" I say tiredly. Rachel gives me a tight smile. I know she understands me and that makes me feel better.

"I told Nick about Jake and me."

"Really? What was his reaction?" I ask, honestly curious.

"The same as yours."

I smile. "You guys are right! Jake can't keep bringing me down. Let's get on with our plan!"

"That's our Courtney!" Lucas cheers and the other’s yells follow suit.

I smile, laughing. This is why I am friends with these guys. "Thanks!"

I turn my attention to Nick and ask, "So you don't like Jake, do you?"

"No way, that dude is a serious jerk. He has no respect for anyone. I listened to him talk to you in history today and he was crazy annoying. I thought I was going to lose it. He shouldn't talk to you or anyone like that and what he did to Rachel is unforgivable."

I smile. I knew there was a reason why I clicked so well with Nick. We both have passion and a similar mindset. "Yeah, I know what you mean. I hate his guts. So, we are all trying to come up with plans to bring down Mr. Player. Did anyone show you pictures of his house?"

"If you mean pictures of a pranked house filled with shit, then yes. Mark showed me them on his laptop."

"Yeah, well us six did it," I say, pride filling my voice.

He laughs, giving me a toothy grin, "It was a great idea."

"It was really nothing. I mean it was all for Rachel!"

"Yeah! In addition it was a lot of fun!" Avery adds, giving Rachel a bump.

"I would have died to have seen his face when he got home! It must have been gold!" Chris beams. We all topple over laughing, we can all picture the look of shock and horror on his face.

"I don't mean to be a party popper, but I think we should inform Nick of phase two. It’s rather important, especially if he agrees," Rachel finally cuts into our laughter. 

"Yeah I agree." I say, "So we all were thinking that...this may be awkward, but you are pretty good looking and you are big competition to Jake, so we thought that we could make Jake jealous by pretending that you and I are dating and jazz. It would start off as myself getting closer to Jake and then going towards you, like a ping-pong game. I don't like using people, but you hate Jake and I think you understand."

Nick laughs and ducks his head, trying to hide the blush forming on his cheeks. "I guess that would be cool. If this is for Rachel and all those girls then I'm in!"

We all cheer and I feel relief fill me. Our plan is going to work, I can’t believe it.

"Thank you so much Nick!" Megan squeals, toppling him over with a massive hug. He gives her an awkward hug back, before pulling away.

"Ah, it's no biggie," he shrugs slopping his arm around my shoulders. "So, when do we become a 'thing'?"

I shrug "Well not right away, that would be suspicious, but we should act extra friendly towards each other and then see what happens from there."

"Works with me!" he smiles and I feel my stomach drop. I’m going to be spending a lot of time with this seemingly irresistible guy. I have no idea how I’m going to manage not passing out.

"Okay, well I better get my books for the next class!" Avery says, grabbing Mark as she gets up.

Everyone else nods their head and start to get up. I give them all a wave.

"Might as well go," Nick says, starting to push himself up, but I pull on his sleeve, stopping him.

"I just wanna say you don't have to do this, you know?"

He smiles, "Nah, it's all good. I want to do this!"

I give him a grateful smile, "Thanks. It honestly means a lot."

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