Chapter 5:That Jerk

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Here's chapter 5!

After this chapter things start to get interesting, I promise.

On the side is a picture of Mark!

 Chapter 5:That Jerk

 "Okay," Rachel begins, taking a deep breath. She is still avoiding eye contact and she's obviously very uncomfortable. I feel the need to tell her that she doesn't have to tell me this, but curiousity wins me over, so I remain silent.

"It was last year, the beginning of grade nine. Jake and I had been dating since the end of grade eight. It was October when his sister, May, died. He was devastated. May was Jake's other half. She was a best friend to him. It was late one night when May was out walking home from a friends house. There was a car on the road, inside there was a drunk driver. Anyways, the car was swerving. May tried to get out of there way, but it was too late, they had already hit her. She died an hour after the accident. Someone found her on the side of the road and took her to the hospital. The doctors tried to save her, but it was too late. There was too much damage."

"Oh my god." I whisper. Even though he's an asshole right now, my heart clenches for him. I know how utterly devastating it can be to lose someone and no one, not even Jake, deserves to go through something that painful.

Rachel just nods her head then continues "Jake was devastated. For a long time he wouldn't talk to anyone. I was always there trying to comfort him, but he never really reacted. It was like nothing but the pain could reach him. I guess he was in mourning. His mom told me that he had told her he really appreciated it, and after a couple of months, he started coming back, but he grew distant from me. I thought it was just side effects or whatever from his sadness."

"A month later, I was going to the bathroom at school. I heard noise around the corner, which is where I had to turn for the bathroom. I thought it was probably some kids just making out, I didn't really care, it happens all the time. Anyways I turned the corner and I see Jake and my ex-best friend Brittany making out. I just stared at them for a while until they stopped and realized I was staring at them. They turned and saw me there. Brittany was horrified and was begging me to forgive her, while Jake was just smirking at me! SMIRKING!" Rachel screams, her eyes stormy with anger, but also filled with a tired kind of sadness.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper. I rack my brain for something else to say, something other than sorry, but my brain fails me. 

"That's not it! I was heartbroken. Jake told me everything about himself. I was there when he cried, when he was happy and angry. I could tell you his life story! I told him everything about me too. He told me he loved me more than anyone other than May and his mom, and then he goes and cheats on me! With my best friend! He didn't even end there. He spread millions of rumors about me. I was the laughing stock for most of grade nine. If I didn't have Megan, Chris, Avery, Mark and Lucas I would have died. He frickin' stabbed me in the back. He spread rumors, he humiliated me multiple times and he told my secrets to everyone! I hate him so much. Ever since then he has cheated on girls and had flings with them. I can't believe he's the same sweet, boy I fell in love with." Rachel says anger laced through each syllable. Her hands are in fists and frustration is radiating off of her.

I lean in and hug her. I rub her back as she quietly cries. I whisper to her, "I will do whatever it takes to get back at him for doing that to you. He can't get away with hurting you like that! We need to get back at him.  Jake has just messed with the wrong girl!"

Rachel gives me a sad smile "He didn't really mess with you, it was me."

"Yeah, yeah whatever. He messed with the wrong group of friends."

Rachel continues to smile, but I can tell she isn't really present, her thoughts somewhere else. "Anyways we better get our books before the bell rings."

 I just nod. I’m not going to get any rest until I come up with a way to get back at Mr. Player.

 Hope you enjoyed it. It should start getting interesting from here.  If you've made it this far then I love you!

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