Chapter 8:Payback's a bitch

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Here is the eight chapter!

Chapter 8

Mason's P.O.V

Dring. Dring. Dring.

My head shoots up from where I was reading Courtney's note. I was completely caught off guard by the bell. Beside me Courtney's laughing, her head thrown back and her blue eyes sparkling.

"Jumpy are we?" She giggles and I push her playfully and gently, but she still manages to fall off her seat. Now it's my turn to laugh at her and her sprawled out body.

"Hey! That wasn't nice!" She says from the ground, glaring but I can tell she's trying not to laugh.

"I'm not a very nice person, am I?" I smirk.

"Nope you're a total jerk," She nods her head, but her smile gives her away.

"That's right!" I agree while she stands up and brushes off her clothes.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow, right?" I ask.

"Where else would I be?" She cocks her head to the side and a small smile appears on her lips.

"Not sure. But you'd have to bring me."

"Well, that ruins the idea of going somewhere," She jokes and I laugh. I love watching Courtney when she makes someone laugh. Her entire being lights up, as if you just made her entire world. Her happiness rubs off onto you. It's a nice feeling.

"See ya."

"Bye," She waves and I walk out of the class with a smile and my mind on Courtney. I really like her. Not in the love way, but in a friend way. She's really nice and is actually intersting to talk to. She talks about her life and gives her opinions. That's what I really like about her, her willingness to talk to you and listen.

I get to my locker and grab my homework and books, shoving it into my bag. I slam my locker shut and head to the main entrance where Jake is standing. When he sees me, he motions me over.

"What's up man?" I ask, giving him a small nod.

"I want to know somthing," He vaguely answers.


"First let's get out of here." He walks out the door and heads near the back of the school. This is where we always go if we want to know or discuss something without being overheard.

"So what do you want to know?" I ask once we're out of earshot.

"What's up with you and Courtney? She's been here what, two days? And it looks like you guys are getting pretty cozy," He says blantly and I shrug casually. Nothing is going on between us so I have nothing to hide.

"We just clicked. She's really nice and fun." I say honestly.

His eyes narrow and he lets out a sharp laugh.  "You guys dating or something?" 

"What? No, we're just friends. Why does it matter to you? You falling for her?" I smirk at him, but Jake only lets out a laugh.

 "Dude, girls fall for me. I don't fall for them." I laugh at how true his statement is. Oh Jake, you little manwhore.

"Wait...that might be the reason why she hates you. She can't stand how you treat girls." A look crosses Jake's face. It's a mixture of confusion, understanding, anger, dissapointement,  but it finally settles into a smirk.

"Whatever. I'm irresistible."  I laugh again, but am still curious as to why he'd bring this up with me.

"So, why does she even matter to you?"

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