Chapter thanks to Nick

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Enjoy the read!

Chapter 14

I glance up at the clock on the wall as Nick and I reenter the school. We have five minutes before the warning bell goes off, telling us to haul ass to class.

"We might as well get our books since lunch is almost over," I say, glancing in the direction of Nick.

"Well, aren't you Miss Perfect Student?" Nick jokes, flashing me his playful grin.

"Oh haha," I laugh sarcastically and hit him playfully. He throws his arm over my shoulders, tugging me into his side. I briefly close my eyes and inhale. Oh god, he smells good. My weakness.

Our walk is quiet, neither of us speaking much, just enjoying each other's presence. We head to my locker first and I quickly grab my science and French books. We hustle over to Nick’s locker, realizing that we’re running out of time. 

Nick’s arm leaves me as he grabs his lock and starts twirling it around, trying to open it. He fails.

"Shit! I think I forgot my locker combo,” He mutters to himself.

I laugh at him, "Well aren't you a genius."

"Shut up, it's not like you're any smarter!"

I scoff. He didn’t go there! "Am so! You’re just jealous of how I'm so genius!"

"'I'm so genius? That doesn't even make sense!" Jake looks at me with eyebrows raised, a smile threatening to spill across his face.

"It does! You just aren't smart enough to understand it!"

"Sorry to break your heart darling but it really doesn't."

"Well, it does in my world!"

Nick just rolls his eyes. "Of course it does, you-"

The bell cuts Nick right off and I groan. I hate being late, especially physics. That crazy lady is not going to appreciate us walking in late.

"We're going to be late!" I groan.

"Calm your hormones, babe."

"I don't want to be late!" I whine, but a part of me is fluttering. He called me babe! I know it’s stupid to get excited over something as pathetic as this, but a really nice, hot guy just called me babe! 

"Jeez let me think woman!"

I shut my mouth and stay quiet while Nick tries to get the right locker combination. It feels like it takes centuries for him to get it right, but he finally manages to get it.

"About time!" I say, rolling my eyes at him.

"Shut up Courtney, not everyone is a genius like you," Nick says sarcastically.

"Yes! You finally admit that I'm a genius!" I squeal, twirling around in an excited dance. Nick just smacks his palm to his head, knowing he messed up.

"Lets go to physics," He mumbles, avoiding I contact. I smirk. I got him. The bell rings, telling us that fourth period has officially started.

"Great! We are late," I say.

"Why am I hanging out with you?" Nick groans, throwing his head back.

"Cause you love me!" I smile.

Nick laughs as he shoves me gently. I stumble away and give him a playful glare.

We briskly walk to the physics lab. Most of me wants to waste time, terrified of Mrs. Walters and what she’ll do to us. However I know I’ll have to face her eventually and I might as well get it over with.

"Why were you two late?" Mrs. Walters snaps harshly, as soon as we step foot into her class. 

"Mr. Genius over here couldn't remember his locker combination," I say quietly, but students hear and start to snicker.

"That's no excuse for you Ms. Hane!" My lovely teacher hisses. I flinch at her words, my heart hammering wildly in my chest.

"I’m sorry, I was just being a nice person and waiting for Nick, so I could show him where the physics lab is!"

"Excuses! Excuses! I will not stand for that! I'm sure Nick is smart enough to figure out where the science room is!"

"I was just being courteous!" I sigh, getting really tired of Mrs. Walters bullshit.

"That's it Miss Hane! Detention! You will be serving it today after school!" She snaps, glaring at me. I suppress my groan, not wanting her to extend my punishment.

Science drags on forever even with Avery and Nick in my class. You have to be so alert in this class that it drains you of everything. When the bell rings I quickly jump up, ready to leave immediately. 

 "Joy to the world, we have French next!" I mutter sarcastically. Afternoon classes honestly can’t get worst than this.

"Oh my god this afternoon is horrid!" Avery groans, closing her eyes with exhaustion.  

“I have Mr. Chartrand. Do you guys have him?” Nick asks, glancing down at his schedule.

“I do!” Avery smiles and Nick nods his head appreciatively.

"Well, you two have fun in your French class," I say waving as we go our separate ways.

I head over French and sit down in my seat next to Mason. He gives me a small smile and I nod my head back at him. A note is quickly placed on my desk and I glance down at it. I’m really sorry I didn’t stop Jake yesterday. I should have and I didn’t and I’m truly sorry.

To be honest I was a bit hurt when Mason didn’t stop Jake. I know he probably got caught up in the heat of it, but still. Jake completely crossed the line. Hell he didn’t just cross the line, he destroyed it.

I quickly scrawl back a note saying: It’s okay I guess. I mean I’m a bit pissed, but it’s okay. 

Can we talk later? I glance over at him and I can see worry lines across his face.

I have detention, but you can call me later.

What did you do? I glance over at him and I see him smirking at me.

The entire class we continue our tradition of passing notes and we are almost back to normal. Almost. 

When the bell rings signaling the end of the day, I sigh. I can’t believe I got myself a detention on a Friday! 

"Oh Courtney why did you have to go get that stupid detention?" I moan to my self as I stalk off to the detention room. I walk in and do a quick look over. There’s just me and another guy, no teacher yet. I plop myself into a seat a couple desks away from the guy and start to put my head onto my arms. This is going to be a long hour.

"Well, look who has a detention." The voice laughs and I freeze. It is Jake.

Take That Mr. Player(rewriting)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora