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Hannah's P.O.V 

"BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! WAKE UP POOPY HEAD" My other best friend, Taylor, yelled in my ear. I sat up in bed and looked at her. "Don't look at me like that I saved your life!" She said. I gave her a confused look. "We were going to be late for school"

Then I instantly shot up from bed, pushed Taylor out the room, then quickly picked out an outfit for school. "Woah! Calm yo tits dude I was just joking. I just wanted to get coffee before school early!" She yelled behind the door.

"Really!" I yelled. Even though I knew what she was going to say.

"Yes!" She yelled mocking me.

Phew! For a minute I thought we were actually going to be late to school. Now, don't get me wrong, I hate school, but we only have 2 more days left and I am so excited! After I got dressed I opened the door to hear Taylor turning off the T.V downstairs.

"What time is it" I asked.

"Adventure time!!" she yelled, while I giggled a little bit.

"No seriously what time is it?" I asked more serious, but kept the smile on my face.

"Hammer time?" she said questioningly. "Bro! tell me the time on the clock!" I yelled but not loud.        " is 7:30 so lets go" She said trying to rush me. Since we were hurrying up to go to school I just put my hair up in a ponytail.


(After the car ride) (still Hannah's p.o.v)

"I can't believe we couldn't get coffee!" Taylor yelled while I parked in the schools parking lot. Truth is, Taylor can't drive or else we could get in a car wreck, so that is why I drive. And I didn't want coffee so I might of "accidentally passed it up by mistake", but oh well.

We both got out the car. "That's what you get for making me feel that we were late" I protested.

We walked to the front doors of the school building and walked in. Like usual people were running around the place, and people were bullying  nerds. I swear I can't stand bullying, and neither can Taylor.

Taylor and I was on our way to our lockers till we saw some girls yelling at guys to "STOP!!" While there was a bunch of guys punching some girl and calling her names. Taylor grabbed me by my arm and dragged me into the huddle to find basket ball boys yelling at a fragile girl.

I wanted to cry I wanted to do something, but I think Taylor was going to do that.  "WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!" Taylor yells like she's a teacher. Then all the boys turn to face her while the girls all backed away. Then the fragile girl looked up too.

Taylor was getting ready to say something, but the boys cut her off by giving her a death glare and coming closer to her. Then for my luck they looked my way. With a evil grin.

Uh- Oh REALLY TAYLOR!!! I thought as I stood behind her terrified 

" Well who are you?!" one guy said with brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Taylor Greens at your service" she said in a British accent mocking the guy, while bowing (BTW: Hannah and Taylor are American oops! )

"Well we don't need your service so get out of here and mind your on business" another guy said with the same hair, but green eyes.

"Oh that's it hold my earrings Taylor! I am going to crush them" I said while giving Taylor my earrings while laughing. Because seriously I am about to throw down. Nobody should treat a lady without respect.

I looked down at the fragile girl and gave her sympathetic look. She looked so innocent than before. I feel for this girl especially since it is the second last day of school. There's no telling how long they were bullying her.

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