Chappie~ 10

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I am REALLY bad at updating stories!!! I wanted to let u all know that I am a terrible writer and that the people who r actually reading, and loving this story, deserves a cookie!! I can't thank you all enough!!! THANKS LITTLE CHICKENS!!!

Brynn's P.O.V~

The next morning I woke up on a couch with a huge blanket on top of me. Then I remembered what all had happened last night.

Then, I heard all kinds of ruckus in the kitchen. I stood up from the sofa and walked towards the kitchen.

I was about to open the kitchen door, until somebody on the other side started talking/whispering.

"Shhh. Guys, we have to be quiet we don't want to wake up anybody" Wait, was that Liam?

"Yes sir!" (I think) Louis replied. Typical Louis.

"Okay now we need-" Liam started, but I interrupted by opening the kitchen door to see..wait...WHAT?!?

"AHH MY VULNERABLE EYES!!" I yelled staring at the shirtless boys.

They were ALL shirtless. Zayn was sitting on the counter with his eyes closed, I guess sleeping. Niall had food stuffed in his cheeks, like a chipmunk. Liam was holding a recipe book that was opened on the section of breakfast. Harry was standing in front of the stove having ingredients in his hands. And Louis was standing beside Harry with his butt sticking out in the air.

"Oh hey Brynn!" Louis said smiling, standing up strait.

"Sorry to wake you. We were trying to make breakfast for everybody, but I don't think it is turning out the way we planned." Liam said looking at the stove and ingredients.

"Thanks!!! It looks to me that you guys are getting the hang of cooking. It dosen't look bad at all!" I replied complementing them of their hard work.

"Thanks! But, we might just make cereal for you guys if Niall keeps eating the food." Harry said looking at Niall, who is still chewing his food.

"Sowey" Niall replied with his mouth full. I started giggling.

"Okay well, what time is it?" I asked.

"6:20 AM" Liam replied looking at his watch. Then, Louis went over to Zayn and slapped him across his face, but not too hard.

"Wake up sleepy head!" Niall sang when he finished chewing.

Zayn slowly opened his eyes and yawned, while stretching. "What happened? Are we done cooking?" He asked as he got off the counter.

"Not even close," Harry chuckled.

Zayn just shrugged and shook his head. "I'm so tired! Why in the world would you guys even wake up this early!"

I giggled, "Well I think it was nice of you guys to wake up this early just to make us breakfast."

"Well it was all my idea," Liam smiled wide, and I smiled back.

"What the heck is going on?!?!" A familiar voice yelled....uh oh!

Okay, this story really freaking sucks, because 1. Its so carroty, and I promise I'm not a carrot! 2.I can never update quick and 3.It is just so all over the place!

SO, I am putting it on hold, just for a little while so don't worry!

And could you pretty please read my Calum Hood fanfic, "Blackmail". That fanfic is probably gonna be wayyy better than this one!


Vote! <3<3<3


Bye little chickens!!!! ~Hannie

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2014 ⏰

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