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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in awhile I was super busy!!! This chapter will probably suck and it will be short, but I am trying o do my best!! Lol! P.S~ Happy new year!!! <3<3<3


Taylor's p.o.v~

When What Makes You Beautiful was done, I turned around in my seat and stared at the 5 screaming boys.

"What the heck guys!!" I yelled at them.

"That was our song of course we had to sing, or um... yell." Louis said while smiling. Well then. At least I got them to shut up. I turned back around and faced Hannah who was trying to drive.

"How come u always get to drive!!" I yelled acting like a baby.

"Coz I have my licence  and the last time I let u drive-" She said while I cut her off.

"I made us home safely" I said nodding my head.

"That's not what happen.You about ran over a squirrel in the middle of the rode. You kept going pass the speed limit. And you forgot to stop at a stop sign!!!" Hannah said while giggling a little bit. And so did the boys. Well except for Niall he just started laughing his head off.

"That seems like something Tay would do!!" Niall stated the obvious.

"Hey, you didn't get your licence either!" I yelled at him. And he stopped laughing, but kept his smirk on his face.

"Anyways where is your guys hotel?!" Hannah asked.

"Ummm we don't know the directions, but the name of it is Holiday Inn" Zayn said. I had no clue where that is and I could tell Hannah didn't either.

"Well fellas we have a new destination. Time to turn around." Hannah said turning back around and passing up Starbucks.

"Where are we going?" Zayn and Liam asked the same time. Then I looked at Hannah I think I know where she is going.

Hannah's p.o.v~

"Where are we going" Zayn and Liam asked. Even though I thought it was pretty obvious.

"We are going back to our house" I stated.

"yes!! I missed home!!" Niall yelled. Shoot! I forgot to tell him that, since we moved to London we got our own house. Not the one me and Niall used to live in without Tay.

"Um, yeah about that....When we get to my house you will see for yourself." I told him.

"Ok!" He said shrugging it off. That means he may not care that its not his and my house. I guess we'll have to see.


After the car ride and at our house. Still Hannah's p.ov.~

"Ok here we are" Taylor said opening the car door getting out.

It felt weird making the famous boy band, One direction, enter our house. I mean I am glad that they are, well mostly Niall, but you never know that paperazzi could be taking pictures, or a mob of fans will come out and attack. Good thing that didn't happen.

"Well this is Taylor's and my house. Not the one me and you went to live in for a little while." I told Niall feeling guilty. Niall and had the best times in our old house. And I had left and moved for this one with Taylor.

"Don't feel bad the one we lived in was so cramped up and dusty and not a masterpiece like this one. I am proud of you for moving on. Because I mean you usually have to move on at some point." Niall said giving me a reassuring hug.

"Thanks little leprechaun...and you do realize you just gave like a really moving speech?!" I told while getting out of the hug.

"Yeah I think I have moved on and changed." He replied while smiling. And then I looked at him closely. DANG!!! He must've hit puberty real hard.

"I did." he said laughing.

" I said that aloud didn't I?!" I said face palming my self.

"Yeah you did. And you also a lot more than I have." He said curious.

"If only you knew how much." I mumbled hoping he wouldn't hear me.


Sorry if it sucks and sorry if its really short. This chapter was just something to fill you in on what is going on not anything special.

So Anyways:




Bye little chickens (lol) Happy New Year!!! XOXOXO~ Hannie

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