Act 1; Scene 1

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(that sounded real evil)
•BUT HELLO ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)
• i have been really lazy the past few months, and have long forgotten about the book i last written (im sorry)


"I love you, iwa-chan." You pause for a moment. Hearing no response from the other, you continue, but this time, softer.

"A lot. More than anyone else."

You gaze up from your lap, eyes glinting a bright sepia. Hoping.

"Mhm. I know." With a grunt at the end, the other looks up from his book, but only for a second.

You bite your lower lip. His answer was no different from the other night. Short. Expressionless. Your eyes flicker back down, but you speak again.

"I love y--"

"I said I know, alright?!"

Shoulders jerking, you stop mid-sentence. You look at your lover. Anger was radiating off him like waves. And on his face, his typical irritated expression. The light that hung high above you casts a shadow over his eyes as he returned to his book under the table. Sports medicine, you remember him saying. He was studying sports medicine. He is currently in university. And, he is no longer the Iwaizumi you know.

You returned to your lip chewing fantasy.

Another failed one, huh.


The next morning was a wet one. Rain pelted the roof with a timely interval of 2 seconds apart. It was irritable, yet surprisingly soothing to your ears. You decide to wake. Iwaizumi wasn't in again. He had classes to take. You look around the room; at least he bothered to clean up.

The sky was painted grey outside. Trees were a darker shade of green today, and the traffic came to a crawl on the road.

Iwa-chan, do you hate me?


It was late when Iwaizumi returned. The lights outside were dimmed slightly, the yellow rays casting shadows all over the corridor. Moths gathered around the bulb, brown wings illuminated into a bright shade of yellow.

"Iwa-chan?" You see him drop his bag in the corner near the door, and turn to head out again.

"Where are you going? Aren't you eating dinner?" You could feel your heartbeat rising, as the pounding in your chest gets harder and faster. The lip biting comes back.

"Nah, I'm meeting a friend. Don't wait for me." Iwaizumi shoves his feet inside his shoes again, the soles shuffling against the concrete corridor outside your apartment.

Friend. 22 years in your life and you've never once heard Iwaizumi treat anyone as his friend.

You hear the thud of his shoes on the concrete corridor and the gentle shutting of the gate outside; and he was gone.

Once you were all alone, you moved to the room, not bothering to turn on the light. You feel your way to the wall and, with a small noise, slid down, back sliding across the cold wooden surface. It was rough.

"What did I do wrong?"

Miraculously, you. // iwaoiWhere stories live. Discover now