Act 1; Scene 2

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Iwaizumi came back a little over midnight. The air was cold, and the wind a flat blade of ice. You kept the lights on in the living room so that he wouldn't trip over anything.

Iwaizumi kicked off his shoes as he entered. He wasn't walking very well.

"Iwa-chan? Did you eat dinner outside?"

"... No." There was a pause. "And I told you not to wait for me, trashykawa."

"I'll just get a pack of instant noodles, kay?" You started heading to the kitchen when you first had a glimpse of Iwaizumi's face.

His face. Bright shades of red. Crimson. Heavy breathing.

"Iwa-chan, did you drink?" The answer was obvious. But then again, it was a better idea to ask first.

He stayed silent. Through the shadows cast by the ceiling light you could see that he was struggling to stay upright. He was half- slumped onto the wall behind him, probably seeing stars.

You stop in your tracks and turn to help him to his room. That would be the most logical reaction.

You put one arm over your shoulder.

He seems lighter. How long has it been since the last time this happened?

He turns to look at you. Faces almost touching, you feel the hot, heavy breaths from his reddened lips on your cheek.

"Up we go." You pick him up from his original position and guided him to his room. You lay him down on the bed.

How long has it been since I last came into his room?

"I'll make some food. You stay here and wait, I'll wake you up lat--"

You feel a tug on the hem of your sleeve. Iwaizumi gets up from the bed, and pulls you closer into an embrace. You feel your lips touch his, and a second later, you have completely melted in his arms. It was instinct.

It felt like the old times.

And you love it. 


The heated atmosphere was soon lost after Iwaizumi fell sound asleep in your arms. His eyelids fluttered for a moment, then closed, body leaning foward. His head was placed snugly on your shoulder. Your lips curled up into a smile. A small one. You could still feel your face flushing from the earlier event.

Gently, you lift Iwaizumi up again and lay him on the bed. He turns to face you again, his warm hands clutching your index finger. He looked like a child.

You leaned down, kissed his forehead and smiled, this time, more genuine. Then, you whispered into his ear. He was sensitive there.

"I love you, iwa-chan."

And then you left.



HAI THEREヽ( ̄(エ) ̄)ノ.
I realised that i haven't explained what this book is gonna be, SO.
•This is a story that has different scenes, which make up two different endings.
•BOTH endings will be written. One angsty and one happy ending.
•Depending on oikawa's choices, the number and type of events differ.
BASICALLY thats it.


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